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A pilot episode for the next season of Your Life

Today's Aquarius new moon is taking place like, as we speak. This new moon may or may not feel pivotal - but if you listen closely, you can hear the future calling you.

Dramatic? Depends on your chart. BUT --

Stories have recently climaxed. Characters have been written out, deeds have been done, plot twists have been survived!

But as there is in EVERY good book -- there's the section at the end where the loose ends are tied up, and the cliff hanger is delivered.

You are now starting to shift story arcs as the main character in the new hottest season of Your Life.

This season was renewed with 22 EPISODES.

Would you like to know what in your chart the writers of life are interested in for next season?

Why is this time period occurring? Saturn leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, Pluto entering Aquarius and integrating between Capricorn and Aquarius, and the Nodes enter Aries/Libra

You'll need to know which planets and houses in YOUR chart are being activated!

Here are the major players --

1. CONJOINED ASPECTS: Aquarius House + Placements + transit Venus, Saturn - conjoined planets - a blending of archetypes

2. TRINE ASPECTS: Gemini/Libra Placements in your chart - easy flowing/easily communicating

3. SQUARE ASPECTS: Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo Placements in your chart - conflict, frustration, delay, harsh experience, strength - not easy flowing

4. SEXTILE ASPECTS: Sagittarius, Aries - an opportunity, a conduit, a potential

5. WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE THESE?: Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Cancer - if you have the majority of your planets in these 4 signs you might not feel like this is a particularly momentous new Moon - but the

Aquarius house themes are potentials I'd look at.

Make a brain storm of themes that come up by googling it! Don't overcomplicate it.

Google(you don't need to do all of them): transit Saturn in (your Aquarius house), transit Saturn in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Saturn, new moon in (your Aquarius house), Saturn in (your Pisces house), Pluto in (your aquarius house), Saturn square (your Taurus, or Scorpio planet), Saturn opposing (your Leo planet), Saturn conjunct (your aquarius planets)

This will give you a better idea which difficulties in your life over the last 3 years are being tied up right now from Saturn's tour of Aquarius as well as some other supporting details.

This place in your chart has been fortified for Pluto's entrance as he primes you in preparation for the next 2 decades....

But back to Saturn!

This part of the Saturnian process should shift into the next phase -- 'next season' of the TV show that is your life -- in the early part of March 2023, just a couple months away.

Next Google: Saturn trine (your Gemini planet), Saturn trine (your Libra planet), Saturn sextile (your Sagittarius planet), and Saturn sextile (your Aries planet)

This will give you a better idea which outlets Saturn is using to help you transform the structure, skeleton, and systemic processes built into your life and lifestyle.

The sextiles especially will take a keen eye to notice, depending on the strength of their closeness may be literally invisible, and there may be little way for you to notice or take advantage of them -- thats just the nature of it.

Trines are easy flowing -- this doesn't mean easy, period - it means easy flowing. Electricity flows easily through water - but don't be in the pond. It depends a lot on the planet and sign to determine the nature of the event or manifestation.

Sometimes a trine just "means" -- I don't have to work on this, it just works out easily for me. So without intention you may get little out of a trine, but it wont be distracting you from anything that is ACTUALLY complicated or difficult in your life.

Themes should be sticking out as relevant by this time. You should start to connect some dots as to whats going on in your life, business, relationships, self esteem, mental health -- something.

It shouldn't be a mystery what "area of life" has been under construction for the last few years at this point.

Thats the way you figure out where you've been, so that you can figure out where you're going....

This new Moon is an introduction.

The simplest introduction.

The most un-assuming introduction.

It's not *that* emotional. It's not *that* explosive. It's not *that* shocking.

Like being introduced at a loud party to someone that you don't see again until like 6 months later but somehow, it becomes a long term, or lifelong interest, maybe even obsession.

Things are about to start moving

very fast. very fast indeed.

You've been asking for it haven't you?

Buckle up.

Send me a DM to do this work on your own chart with me. You can jump into a 30 day intensive with me any time.

At the end of 30 days you'll know how to use your chart to set goals that are relevant to YOUR dream life that are aligned with the cosmic clock.

If you want longer term support theres limited spots for the 12 week Season 1-1 sessions of

Unearth Your Soulmate Self and the Aquarius season Early Bird pricing is now active.

As soon as the Sun enters Pisces the price will go up to $1200 - still an incredible price for a priceless investment in your future.

But I love to give my early birds (night owls also welcome) a break in the price for committing early.



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