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Analyzing the Scorpio Moon Ruling the Cancer 7H

Analyze the ruler of the Cancer 7th house and create a delineation for an individual where the moon is in the Scorpio 11th house.

Desires represented by the moon: urge for inner support and emotional security 

Needs represented by the moon: the need for belonging, safety and to feel right within yourself 

A blonde woman and a brunette man playfully laugh as he hugs her
A blonde woman and a brunette man playfully laugh as he hugs her







Waxing and waning/changing/cycles



The body 

Psychic abilities









Survival instincts 


The moon in Scorpio: 

Here the moon is uncomfortable - it's a very harsh and possessive sign for her. Here she is deep in an ocean where there is a lot of pressure but not much light to reflect. 

This is a very analytical sign for the moon. While this person might take pleasure from solving problems and investigating something, there is little comfort available from the answers sought and any found. There isn't an end to the depths at which this native can reach buy it's very rarely able to be shared. 

Forgiveness and letting go is something this person is likely learning - this placement has a higher chance to create lasting grudges - and depending on the mercury sign, the grudge can last longer than the memory of what created the rift. This native could strongly dislike or even experience hatred that can't be described accurately because it's not based on rational reasoning but on long lasting emotion that may not even be functionally accessible in the native. 

Scorpio looks at information as a both as a liability and a resource. In the style of a strategic military general (versus a directed soldier) it knows that intelligence is a valuable resource and the fates of entire civilizations hang in the hands of those who have the intelligence. Privacy becomes a weapon that a scorpio placement of any kind eventually must learn to channel and strategically master.


The Moon in the 11th: 

A soul choosing to have the moon in the 11th house at birth is choosing to be emotionally invested in groups and social constructs but for a time - likely the amount of time to usher in a process to unfold - and then the context of the group will change and the person will move onto a new group or the group will move on without them in one way or another. This can be a very emotional process.  

They might think a steady friendship/network/ group is what they want but this is not what they're seeking at the soul level. They're seeking diverse experiences through their emotional perceptions with others - lots of others - not just 1 or 2 "lifer" friends and partners. This is because the nature of the moon is to continually wax and wane constantly changing shape, brightness, visibility and even color. Because the moon is always changing, they will also experience periods of closeness and isolation from friends and others. 

This person is not likely to be universally accepted, praised, disliked, or challenged due to the ever changing nature of the moon. Theyre likely to have groups come and go throughout their lifetime and for there to be many reactions to their personality. 

This person is still looking for emotional security and belonging in groups and will likely be a social person who wants others to understand them deeply as well as seeking to emotionally understand others. 

This person might try to change their inner and outer personality to reflect what they think others want more than the average person does. They also reflect others personalities back to them. Their emotions can be confusing and could be based on how others make them feel/how others feel about them. 

The sign will describe what kind of groups they will want to invest in, but they desire to build a life where they can be emotionally supported by others and to emotionally support others. Emotional Security is something they seek from groups and if they dont feel safe in a group they will usually keep looking for their place in a different congregation. A social life feels imperative for balance and emotional health. 

This person is seeking comfort from groups. Feeling themselves identified in a group setting makes them feel more comfortable with themselves and supports higher self esteem. During the waxing phase of a friendship or group experience these people feel on top of the world. They feel like they have finally found their place and they start to feel safe and emotionally taken care of, and then at the full phase of this cycle they start to burn out and the cycle continues to decline toward the isolation of a new phase in the cycle where a new group interaction will begin - the group/individual ebb and flow. 

In groups that they don't feel at home in, they can feel very exposed and uncomfortable. Getting involved with a new group can feel very difficult and restrictive because of the process of facing potential rejection. 

Putting it all Together:

This person is likely to desire a kinship with their partners and will want to be friendly and playful with their partners - but with the Scorpio dynamics they will take their one on one relationships extremely seriously at the end of the day. 

This person is likely to want an extremely deep and stable long term partnership, just like they desire with their friendships, and they deeply desire their friends and partners to get along. Having a rift between partners and friends makes maintaining conflicting relationships difficult for this person and the they may have to choose to rebuild one to keep the other. 

They will be very perceptive of their partners emotions and it can be easy to dent the energy between this person and their partner. An emotionally resilient partner will be necessary for this partnership because this person is sometimes unable to understand their own emotions. Passive aggressiveness and irritability are likely to arise because of the martial influence on the emotional body as well as the Cancerian passivity and reflectivity. 

This person will expect an emotional depth from their partner and that may be unobtainable. This person may also want their partners to be "psychic" and to be able to preemptively meet their high expectations - this comes from the difficulty they feel in divulging information about their inner workings - whether emotional or analytical. They often feel judged or like they will be judged for what they feel and if it changes. 

Scorpio is a fixed sign and doesn't usually like when things change - especially how we feel. This person could also have difficulty divulging information and being vulnerable because this person doesn't actually know how they're feeling, so they subconsciously or consciously don't want to feel committed to one way or another of acting, feeling, or thinking.  

Knowing that they change their mind frequently about some things can make them feel insecure about what they will change their mind about next - so having a predictable and understanding partner is the key for a Scorpio Moon ruled Cancerian 7th house. 



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