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Aquarius Rising Horoscope - Aries Season 2024

Aries Season Horoscopes 2024: EQUINOX/ECLIPSE SEASON

a sparkler with a heart shaped flame and text that reads Aquarius Rising Horoscope for Aries Season 2024
Aquarius Rising Horoscope for Aries Season 2024

Welcome to Aries season, my friends. It's the season of renewal, drive, passion, and outward expression — BLOOMING, one might say.

This zodiac sign is known to be bold, direct, fast, fiery, and opinionated. They are too busy going forward to care what others are saying and doing as they pass by. As the first sign of the zodiac, they're known for initiative and pioneering. Aries are also known to embody things that seem contradictory - disciplined as soldiers, but impulsive as addicts. There are all kinds of Rams out there, and we celebrate you this season!

This year, Aries season has a few different twists and turns that we may not be expecting. In this post, I'll give you the lowdown on the different astrological events that are taking place during the season of beginnings - spoiler alert: there are always endings where beginnings are concerned.

Any time we enter into a new season, we've got a chance for growth, transformation, and change.

Let me know in the comment section before you read about the upcoming month: what are you looking to grow into this year? Intentions are very powerful in fiery ARIES SEASON!

The Aries recipe is made up of Cardinal Energy and the Fire Element. It represents initiative, drive, and acting on impulse and instinct. It's a youthful, quick energy that can be irritable for some other personality types.

Let's see what additional layers of information we can find from the other planetary influences.

  1. The ruler of Aries, Mars, is crossing the border from Aquarius to Pisces to hang out in a sign he’s not super comfortable in. He’ll be overtaking Saturn and heading closer to Neptune to be even further washed out. With the planet of action in watery-no-border-no-structure Pisces, I wonder if we will get much accomplished outside of the realms supported by Pisces - healthcare, isolating practices, escapism, spiritual practices, present-ness.

  2. The planets of the season (Mercury, Venus, Sun) are going to start making connections to Pluto from the opening sextile position. They were conjunct during Aquarius season, so we might be seeing opportunities arising that are coming from whatever we were up to in Aquarius season (January 20ish - February 20ish).

  3. Jupiter will be closing the 6° gap between him and Uranus in Taurus. This will certainly have its very own post, so keep your eye on this space for more surrounding this momentous conjunction.

  4. Mercury’s on the move! The mind and messenger planet will station retrograde - marking the end of this all-planets-direct phase. Interestingly, at the beginning of Aries season, Mercury is at 17° Aries, and at the beginning of Taurus season, he is back at 17° Aries because of his backward-appearing motion. It will make multiple conjunctions with Chiron during this retrograde. The important dates are in the section for each rising sign.

  5. Eclipse season! We’ll have 2 eclipses during Aries season on March 25 and April 8.

  6. Another instance of the major sign-based stelliums we’ve been seeing over the first half of this year. Again, we’ll have a concentration of the majority of planets in 2 signs - in this case, Pisces (Mars, Venus, Saturn, Neptune) and Aries (Sun, Mercury, Chiron, North Node, and Venus - she will be in both signs during Aries season). Since January, we’ve had large stelliums in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, and this will continue in Taurus season as well because of the concentration of outer planets in the Aquarius-Taurus quarter of the chart.

Aries Season Horoscopes:

  • Aquarius Rising:

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries season. When Mars transits the 2nd house, there can be a varied impact on finances. Since the 2nd house represents earned income and finances, you just have to know how Mars generally acts in your chart.

Mars is a bringer of conflict, but also the energy and motivation to deal with something. There can be irritations around your finances or spending. Mars in the 2nd can also provide the needed motivation to set up another stream of income.

Mars will be conjoining Saturn in your 2nd house creating some kind of semi-unpredictable chemical reaction. This isn’t like a Uranus or eclipse type of unpredictable—it's more like “what will happen if we mix these two types of soap together”?

It’s not going to be insane or intense, but will the colors be pleasing? Does the blending of their scents cause you to gag? Mars is action, decisiveness, conflict, and instinct. Saturn is delays, blockages, structure, discipline, hard walls. Will this create an environment of repressed conflict, opposition to your decisions, or structured thought-out actions? It can go either way—Pisces is not conducive to Saturn or Mars’ priorities!

How will all of these energies combine to tell the story through the lens of your earned income and value structures?

2. The seasonal planets are creating sextiles from your Aries 3rd house with Pluto in Aquarius who has recently entered your 1st house of identity. I’d guess this will play out in a subtle opportunity through a 1st house means of your identity.

This definitely sounds like “it’s not necessarily what you know after a certain point - it's WHO you know” (and “how you’re BEING”). The 3rd house can oftentimes bring to mind siblings or neighbors. I’d guess something intellectual or systemic (Aquarius is an air sign) might offer you insight to take action or to speak up (Aries 3rd house) differently. Perhaps some personal development strategy is starting to pay off and your mindset is actually changing and you’re seeing evidence of it in your 3rd house means—perhaps your content or writings, in your relationships with your neighbors and siblings or in your mindset and how you process and communicate information.

It could be so subtle you’d miss it generally, as a sextile is an opportunity with no guarantee that you’ll actually capitalize on what is available. However, with this repeated activity in sextile to Pluto as planets repeatedly cross the Aries border, it should start to highlight a noticeable thread.

3. Jupiter and Uranus are coming into a conjunction in your 4th house of home. When Jupiter and Uranus conjoin (this happens about every 14 years) their lasting legacy plays out until the next conjunction 14 years later.

When you think about your 4th house experience you’re thinking about long-lasting, rooted, and unconditional things like where you come from without any concern for anything but the real truth. How someone MADE your childhood, hometown, and interactions with your family and ancestors LOOK is irrelevant to your lived experience.

The keywords associated with this transit for you are innovation, surprising changes, technological updates, expansion, growth, belief, luck, optimism, deep study, religion, wisdom and the 4th house is home, ancestors, roots, privacy, self-care, emotional security and stability, foundational components to living life, childhood. Do some journaling to see what kind of new frontier is on the other side of this momentous occasion. This is buying a long-term home energy for certain.

4. Mercury is going retrograde! It is the first planet to do so since the All Planets Direct time period started in January. Shoutout to for providing these dates:

This is the timeline of the Mercury Retrograde Saga that will unfold for your reflective purposes—there will likely be something that you’re doing that will change over that time frame. Often an event or chain of events will occur shortly following the station to retrograde, and require you to go back, revise, restructure, or reinvent and then, usually shortly after the station direct, you’ll start making new progress in the revision process.

After May 13th, you can feel more secure in what your forward momentum looks like on those themes. Since it's in your 3rd house it will likely have some connection to the 3rd house themes I mentioned earlier. Perhaps you’re working on a message-oriented product (such as a course, or social media content, or something you’re planning with your siblings/neighborhood).

  • Mercury enters its shadow on March 18th, 2024, at 8:39 pm PT—15°58 Aries.

  • Mercury stations retrograde on April 1st, 2024, at 3:14 pm PT—27°13 Aries.

  • Mercury is cazimi on April 11th, 2024, at 4:03 pm PT—22°32 Aries.

  • Mercury stations direct on April 25th, 2024, at 5:54 am PT—15°58 Aries.

  • Mercury leaves its shadow on May 13th, 2024, at 2:02 am PT—27°13 Aries.

5. Eclipse season! Boy howdy eclipse season is KNOCKING on our door. We technically entered eclipse season on March 11 when the Moon entered Aries after being New on March 10 in Pisces—and I think when the Sun enters Aries we’ll start to really see this energy boost.

The first eclipse is a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25 only a few days after the ingress of the Sun and will be in your 9th house of world philosophy and deep education. The 9th house can be difficult to predict inside of because without knowing whether you’re going to college, currently traveling, religious, or a professor. The 9th house represents the school of life and your philosophy around your place in it. This kind of eclipse could mean that you have a revelation that completely alters the way that you see your role in the universe. You could see a documentary that sends you off across the planet to serve a cause. You could suddenly meet a professor who recommends the exact missing puzzle piece to your entire ‘life’s purpose’.

This is one of the most unpredictable months in the entire year. Anything can truthfully happen in this very auspicious house. That being said—I’ve gone through eclipses that were (likely intense and unpredictable but ultimately) meaningless in the grand scheme of my life, and I’ve lived through eclipses that mark chapters of distinctly before and after, setting off events that make my life what it is now.

The first Aries eclipse took place on April 19, 2023, and the Libra eclipse took place on October 14, 2023. And that's all we have had—one eclipse from each Aries and Libra since the nodes entered in July of 2023. What was going on during those times for you?

Those are thematically relevant now and there will be connections that play out in the next whirlwind. This eclipse season will have a lot contextually—so if you’re not sure what was going on in April of 2023 or October of 2023 (get a better journaling system!) there will be a lot more clarity on the other side of this. There aren’t many Aries/Libra eclipses left!

6. Pisces planets vs. Aries planets: In your 2nd house you’ve got Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune—these planets are trying to establish security and foundation with Saturn before they go through the remainder of Neptune’s swamp. Saturn and Neptune are kind of opposites—Saturn wants structure and boundaries and for there to be a reasonable reward to hard work, and the other knows nothing of those things. Neptune’s priority is to make things look ideal, beautiful, forgiving, even confusing and surreal. It’s so disorienting that you can spend a decade looking through a dungeon maze looking for the door that was on the ceiling the whole time.

This being specifically Mars and Venus, I can see these planets having more of an effect on how supportive and complementary your earned income process is. For some people, the earned income process is extremely simple—work week goes by, paycheck comes in. For others, it's a complex tributary of income streams that all coalesce into their bank account. How do income streams work for you? How do they make you feel as far as future security is concerned? How buried under Neptune’s fog is your financial structure?

As these other seasonal planets eventually converge into the Aries house of your chart, you’ll see this focus is switching from your bottom line, income, spending, and values to how it affects your neighborhood/community environment as well as how it shapes the way you interact through media and messaging that the 3rd house is concerned with.

Aries energy as a whole is supportive of risks, impulse, being led by instinct, and for turning your focus more to the outward aspects of our life after a season of introspection, rest, and separation. This time frame is generally a time of newness and an explosion of potential—but this one in particular has its own twists—so stay on your toes and remember generally to try to stay in your lane. Chiron, the wounded healer, is going to be activated through the Mercury retrograde and the eclipse as well. There will be hurt people out there, and hurt people hurt people—try to be available as someone who can facilitate support and understanding—but not at the expense of your own wellness.

Remember to stay in your lane and avoid causing unneeded conflict. Use your best judgment to focus on the main arenas in your life. Strangers, service people, drivers—none of these are going to be worth extra dramatics.

Aries season is gonna be lit, though I think! This is always a great time for self-discovery as Aries rules the self and is an extremely independent sign all on its own—start piling lots of planets in that area of your life and it starts to become very obvious what needs our energy and what will have to be on its way out the door.

Embrace the fiery energy of Aries!

Join us for the next Full Moon Live event gathering for the Libra Lunar Eclipse! Lunar eclipses are usually an ending, and when the Sun is near the North Node and the Moon is near the South Node like in this situation, there is usually a reference to letting go. What do you think? Will this likely be a big event for you? Do you have anything specifically involved in the upcoming eclipse? Grab a drink or a smoke or a snack and join us live at 7pm mountain time on the 25th. :)

This post is sponsored by me! Shanae :). Want to go over this with your own chart in mind or get an even broader viewpoint and discuss the entire upcoming astrological year with me? Book in for a consultation with me, or take a look at my other offers at



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