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Leaning too far into single astro archetypes keeps you playing small and reduces your impact

Archetypes are a common character, image, symbol, or situation that occurs in literature and in life, and is considered to be universal across most cultures.

I took this definition from a website called storyboardthat.

The reason that this example is more valuable to personal growth than the academic definition is because as humans storytelling is an integral part of existing and when we recount our life or create a daydream of the future we use archetypes to describe the events.

We see archetypes in theater, Hollywood, and fiction stories but we also encounter and embody all types of archetypes in our own hero's journey.

In his annual Ultimate Breakthrough Series, Tony Robbins discussed 4 archetypes - the warrior, the magician, the lover, and the sovereign (or the king or queen).

These archetypes among countless others are present within every human being. In his exercise you connect with all 4 of these versions of yourself within, and usually you're aiming for them to be relatively balanced.

For example: If the warrior archetype is "too comfortable" it can take over - it can be difficult to fully integrate the other 3 archetypes into a personality in that instance, so there can be a story that explains another combo-archetype such "suffering through anger".

I would imagine also a silenced intuitive voice, a lack of true unconditional love and harmony, and likely any ability to lead generously (these examples are based on Tony's archetypes) among others.

The four archetypes that Tony listed are easily translated to the 4 most personal planets -

the warrior is Mars - the fighter

the magician is The Moon - our intuition and emotion

the lover is Venus - the harmony and beauty

the sovereign is The Sun - our ability to lead and give generously from the seat of self

(The only personal planet that isn't represented in Tony's 4 archetypes example is Mercury the messenger of the mind.)

If you're struggling to integrate the different components of your personality or to clearly see your priorities - perhaps the associated archetype has taken over and represents who you've needed to be to succeed at whatever you placed the most value on.

Examples: It could be who you needed to be to meet childhood expectations, excel in work, or to stay out of someone's way.

Leaning too far into one archetype (or acting with only that archetype in mind) gets more and more difficult to deal with as time goes on.

When you're younger it feels really really good to be validated and to act within the expectations of someone else - thus reinforcing "successful" archetypes and causing us to shy away or censor "problematic" archetypes -

but as you grow older (and your Uranus cycle and Saturn cycles begin to play out in greater prominence) this becomes less important and you start to settle into a life that is more suited for you

but the process of uncovering them, acting in alignment with them, and then expressing yourself in an authentic way to others who have gotten to know the old you --

boy that's a lot to deal with.

What parts are silenced and which are celebrated?

What parts are inconvenient in your relationships and which parts are expected?

Which are looked down on professionally and alternatively

which make you more money or help you create a more expansive network?

Leaning into certain roles and away from others, as well as feeling pressured to follow a certain path, appease a crowd, or act in alignment with someone else's' perception of you is going to eventually lead to burnout, unsustainable life practices, and toxic relationships.

Is that clear?

If you aren't deeply investigating yourself what are you doing here?

The sooner you step into your role as the creator of balance -- between fear and excitement, humble and confident, quiet and bold, intelligent and sensual -- the sooner you harness the power within.

Division reduces power, and cohesion exponentially produces power.

Analyzing the major archetypes at play in your natal chart is a foundational piece but only one part of my three month one-on-one program Using Astrology for Late Stage Beginners.

This one-on-one program with me is for the driven individual who is open to the mystical and either doesn’t know much about astrology or has some understanding but doesn’t know how to effectively apply it. They keep finding themselves feeling blocked in one or more areas of their life - almost as though they’re swimming against the current and can’t figure out why it’s so hard to just get to where they want to go. They’d like to be able to use their chart in a way that aligns them with their purpose in all areas of their life and to be given the tools to decipher their chart, learn their genius zones and apply it to their long term life goals, relationships, work life balance, emotional health and general sense of fulfillment. While making the journey there far more ease-filled.

You won’t have to read a million philosophical books, spend hours on general forecasts,

or even spend years or a decade on courses to get real returns on this information



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