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Using Astrology - Decode the Timeless Nature of the Universe -Trusting Yourself is Fortune Telling

A woman looks over her sun glasses with a smirk on her face

Learning your astro chart gives you the clarity and confidence to trust yourself enough to make bold actions and that's why it looks like fortune telling.

Here's why: When you're acting from a position of total faith in yourself you'll make emboldened decisions that are truly connected to your path of least resistance.

Quantum physics says that our reality is built on blocks that are ever changing and have the potential to express (like how a gene expresses physically) according to the observer's expectations (beliefs) in one and all possibilities.

(!!! This is one of those scientific facts that makes me want to go up to people on the street and shake them and say DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS???)

When there's 2 ways something can go then BOTH possibilities WILL exist "out there".

You choose which one to consciously experience through your choices and attention.

When YOU trust in YOU, YOU choose the path of least resistance, and are led to your destinations faster.

Debating and deliberating on a decision doesn't work.

Trying to take calculated actions based on how you think things should work doesn't work.

Repeating false starts that you've tried in the past but fizzled doesn't work.

Taking action that is supported by who you are works.

If every potential you have is expressed in the multiverse, then acting in faith with your Self seeks the path of least resistance.

In the past I'd set my goals and (finally, recently) realized that my strategy for reaching them was almost always "do better what you're doing poorly now".

I've also noticed myself trying to buck what DOES work because I romanticize it working some other way.

This is not a great strategy.

If you couldn't do it the way you've been trying, what would be plan B?

Maybe it's time for plan B now, you'll know what you need to do shortly after you truly decide to trust and commit to yourself.

(Caveat: are you actually doing plan B already because you're avoiding doing plan A for some reason? )

I'm still working on it, building commitment to myself and building trust. But when I do it, life seems a lot more magical, purposeful, and exhilarating.

After you start doing it enough, maybe those flashes of insightful thoughts are glimpses of your future. Whispers from the you who knows the path of least resistance.

With this information we are using astrology to decode the timeless nature of The Universe inside the 3D hologram we are a part of.

It's very real and trying to ascend to a permanent bliss point where you'll never deal with the trials of humanness ever again is pointless.

You're here to play the game.

Natal charts and their organization show us what is fundamentally similar and what is fundamentally in conflict and aside from these very real stipulations of inherent similarity or difference... it is up to us to navigate our intuition and fear signals and differentiate which is going to be most fulfilling FOR US.

Your natal chart doesn't show you what to do, it shows you what you are, and that information itself can help you build confidence in your own driving force in CHOOSING how you want to spend your time.

Uncovering your own Universe given goals, personal preferences, and untangling your conditioning and fear is just one thing I help people with.

My goal is to give you a lot more understanding about your personal priorities and you'll find the earned confidence to take aligned action toward your human purpose.

The perfect person to work with me is the driven individual who is open to the mystical and either doesn’t know much about astrology or has some understanding but doesn’t know how to effectively apply it.

They keep finding themselves feeling blocked in one or more areas of their life - almost as though they’re swimming against the current and can’t figure out why it’s so hard to just get to where they want to go.

They’d like to be able to use their chart in a way that aligns them with their purpose in all areas of their life and to be given the tools to

decipher their chart, learn their genius zones and apply it to their long term life goals, relationships, work life balance, emotional health and sense of fulfillment.

While making the journey there far more easefilled.

You won’t have to read a million philosophical books, spend hours on general forecasts, or even spend years or a decade on courses to get real returns on this information

You can see all of my offers here. I can't wait to work with you, bestie.




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