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Baking Bread Inadequacy

Baking bread hasn't been going well for me recently. The last one I forgot about over night and let it rise until it was blimp sized. When you bake bread like that it just smashes when you cut it.

No point in baking that one - certainly no point in eating this one! It connected with the burner in the toaster oven and once I tried to eat pizza that touched the burner but everything was scorched flavored.

Don't worry - I have other things going for me ... but how will I eat my tofu egg salad? Needless to say, I will be enjoying that later in the week...

Make me feel better - tell me something that you like that has absolutely no bearing on your life - I'll go first.

I love when the clouds are the perfect thickness that you can perfectly see the BURNING orange Sun through it and it's perfectly comfortable to STARE at.



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