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Chaotic Upheaval, Delusion, Confusion leads to a Material Adjustment Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio 2022-23

This eclipse is taking place on November 8, 2022 at 5:03am CDT.

Before we get into the continuing saga of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses over the course of 2022 and 2023 (+ November 19th, 2021), there is some notable background noise occurring as well.

1. Mars retrograde in Gemini. This is happening next door to Taurus, and will create a disjointed energy. What we have our energy and attention on isn't where the eclipse is occurring. This has the potential to cause multiple frustrations that aren't really connecting.

We are being pushed to look back and reassess what (especially mental) energy is being spent in the Gemini house of our chart. It has almost a more vicious and frustrating Mercury Retrograde vibe to it, since this is happening in the sign of Gemini ruled by Mercury. Plus - we are pretty impatient with these developments.

Mars is making 2 important connections at the moment -- trine Saturn, and square Neptune and Jupiter. This looks like long consequences for decisions we make regarding our Gemini house -- but with the square to Neptune and Jupiter it looks like a possible confusion, delusion or outright lie is involved. Be willing to pivot once the smoke and mirrors clear -- but know that that isn't happening for awhile - probably some of the confusion will be cleared up around January 12 when Mars goes direct, but I wouldn't put money on it until around March 26, 2023 when Mars leaves Gemini finally and exits the Neptune square by degree by the first week of April 2023. This means for the future adopt a critical eye, think for yourself, and make decisions calmly and most importantly NOT suddenly.

Easier said than done, I know.

This brings me to

2. Pluto's wide trine to the chaotic Moon+Uranus materialization component of the eclipse, sextile to the Scorpio Sun/Venus/Mercury illumination side of this eclipse and the Neptune/Jupiter in Pisces conjunction. Pluto uncovers secrets and lies, and while it's widely taking part in these conversations I believe that it will be up to us to choose patience so an opportunity can come through. The thing about Pluto is that he's slow and thorough.

Let's create some signification keywords for #2.

Pluto trine Moon: empowered, desire, uncovering desire, uncovering confusion, uncovering emotions, penetrating focus on emotions + Uranus: chaos, surprise, illuminating flash of insight, ah-ha moment, progression, surprising emotions, sudden emotional release, illuminating desire, + Taurus: Material world, finance, senses, the earth, beauty, values, valuables, femininity, senses, flavorful food, decadence

Pluto sextile Sun: opportunity to - illuminating opportunity, illuminating power, penetrating power, bringing power to light, uncovering the self, uncovering ego, uncovering the underlying truth, revealing skills and truth, + Venus: harmony, resolving conflict, togetherness, beauty, relations, diplomacy + Mercury: uncovering intellect, intelligence, learning, ideas, penetrating focus, understanding what's beneath the top layer, in Scorpio: regeneration, resources, rebirth, changing by removal, updating desires, controlling emotions, intentional privacy

Pluto sextile Jupiter/Neptune: opportunity to - uncovering delusion, uncovering confusion, penetrating confusion, bringing into focus, expansion of confusion, expansion of power and expansion of crisis, increase in illness, increase in illusions

This looks to be something that will take time to unfold, but there are a lot of hidden opportunities. Some of them are positive and some of them are poisonous.

Of all the planets the MOON is the most well supported even with this zappy Uranus conjunction.

The overall outcome from all of this is: from emotional, nebulous, confusing, frustrating, complicated loss of control emerges a material, tactile, tangible, financial, beautiful, or fruitful win where we, overall end up more emotionally grounded, secure and comfortable.

But we're not at the end of this story yet, and it probably won't be that comfortable as it's occurring. This is where our sails are leading us.

The last Taurus/Scorpio eclipse takes place in October of 2023. Adjust your expectations accordingly. The eclipse seasons for 2023 are split focused. Meaning that in the Spring Eclipse season they will focus on our Aries and Scorpio houses and in the fall it'll be focused on Libra/Taurus (instead of Taurus/Scorpio or Aries/Libra).

This means that next year our focus will begin to shift again, just like it did at the end of 2021 during the sudden adjustments we felt in November of 2021 after while our focus was in the Gemini/Sagittarius houses of our chart.

These adjustments are happening in the 4 places of your life that you have stable energy ruling it. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are the 4 stable energies, because they occur during the middle of the season that they occur during. (Aries season kicks off Spring, Taurus season occurs during the middle of Spring, an Gemini transitions into Summer, etc.) This symbolism means that you're pretty secure in the way that things are in those parts of your life.

If you're unsure what your rising sign is send me a message and I'll be happy to give you a totally free tour of your natal chart so you can have a better idea what I'm talking about during these essays.

Here's an example from my life so maybe you'll be able to visualize it in yours. I'm a Capricorn rising, which means that I have my fixed signs on my financial, creative expression, and audience axis (plural).

In November 2021, I personally had a really hard eclipse. Luckily, they haven’t all be as hard as that one was, but I believe that it was because I was pretty far out of alignment when it occurred. I had been working at a retail store that I had worked at for many years, and even though it felt very sudden and like I was being very over dramatic, I just couldn't do it any longer.

I had a lot of guilt and shame around it, but after the decision was made I felt no regret and knew that I needed to put the time and effort that I was offering to that major corporation into building my own thing – even if the timing was poor and I burned a bridge that I had maintained for 13 years before that. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

1. Scorpio needs intensity, it needs seriousness, it needs things to be complex and multifaceted. And I have this in my audience and community space. I felt like an NPC at this job. I was really good at it, but it didn't feel like a compliment to be really good at this. It just meant that after 13 years I was efficient. Cool. Scorpio yawns at efficiency being praised.

2. I needed to get out because it took up my time that I needed to be spending on THIS. My creativity was stifled. Everything was the same. Every conversation was the same. Every transaction was the same. Every day was the same. Every sale was the same. I was emotionally exhausted and putting no time into anything of value.

In late April and Mid may of 2022 I was feeling very different around my astro community and work. I started to feel like I knew plenty to give valuable advice to people, to teach them how to start looking into their astrology, to have conversations about astrology and hold my own.

I had started an in depth course, read many books, tracked many transits – but I started to see things in my own chart that made me fearful – hmm, no it was more like apathetic and pointless – for the future. An existential dread about how long and frequent difficult shit is for me.

I know, get the tiny violin out. Just keeping it real.

I started to over identify with my chart to the degree that it felt pointless to learn more, because I felt that I would just find more reasons why I was struggling “with life” (in all areas, basically). The grand fixed cross, the cardinal T square, and the nasty grand trine that any Pisces placement activates between my Pluto/Moon in Scorpio and my Mars/Chiron in Cancer was glaring me in the face.

Pray for me during Saturn in Pisces.

Shortly after that eclipse, over the summer, I reverted back to photography “because it was so much easier”. Lol no, it was easier to explain, and it was a lot less existential, it felt like a larger audience that was closer and easier to capitalize on, and most importantly it felt like the only other option (besides get a regular job).

Now, as the next one is here I’m back to feeling pretty disconnected with being an artist for hire, and the thought of doing certain types of photography feels really abrasive again. This is a currently unfolding transit, and if I go back to the beginning of the Saturn Uranus square (which is very much activated during this) it encompasses the entire time frame of me choosing to leave photography and close my business in favor of spending my time on astrology and serving people in that way.

For you this could be happening in 1 of 3 combos in your chart. If you don't know what your rising sign is then you can just read them all, and see what happens in your life going forward and see how it goes.

If you're a fixed sign or stabilizer - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius this is going to be a very notable year and a half for you. You'll have this energy being activated over and over in different ways. The houses that are impacted are the major components of your natal chart separate from planets.

This is happening in relation to both you and your partnerships, as well as at home and at work. This is how you're showing up in the world in basically every aspect, and how you will continue to show up and play the role of "YOU". Everything is up for review, especially how you see yourself and what it means to be you when you're on the stage of life.

Who is the person who shows up in your version of "the spotlight"? Who you are in a relationship? Your partners and the role they play in your life is also up for review. There will likely be major circumstances that are out of your control, but eclipses are here to bring us the fated events that move us forward on the roller coaster track of life.

You can only ever justify the events of your life looking backwards, and this will likely be a time in your life where you'll look back and say "that's around the time when everything changed".

This shouldn't scare you, it should excite you! Remember that even if something changes that you would have never selected off the menu of life, you'll eventually be able to justify it backwards, and see that THIS could never have happened or came to you without THAT.

If you're a cardinal sign rising, or a initiator - Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, this is happening in your houses of finance, creative expression and audience. This is an illumination of the dynamic between what you do creatively to express yourself, who receives it and you as your audience and how that impacts you financially.

Not every single initiator will become someone who earns significant or even any wealth from their creative pursuits, but they are inevitably be tied together in some way. This could have to do with spending money on hobbies, art work, fun oriented things like plays, concerts, events, or supplies, or even your children -- you created them too!

This doesn't have to be related to money that you've earned, and could represent money or resources from your partner's pool, debt or a tax credits. Something is happening in these areas that will inevitably impact the others.

The 3rd option is you could be a mutable sign rising, or adapter - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and if that's the case than this will be occurring in your houses of knowing and doing. These 4 houses are the 3rd house of elementary or broader education, intelligence and communication, the 9th house of wisdom, philosophy, and culture, the 6th house of everyday work tasks and health routines, and the 12th house of mental health, dreams, the subconscious, and the "the hidden".

I listed out your houses because even though it was easy to say "the houses of knowing and doing" I felt like these houses are very broad even just individually, and so even though this energy isn't taking place in "your sign" it's taking place in prominent parts of your chart that impact you all day every day.

My guess is that you’re in the middle of becoming much more aware of what your beliefs are, because both what you learn and what you know to be true will start to become incompatible with certain things that you are doing on the daily, and what you're doing on the daily will start to shape what you believe and what information you seek to know.

There will likely be aspects or events that will start to make you more aware of your subconscious and that will start to download into your philosophy of life. Once your philosophy of life is updated and you've got the proper technical knowledge to actually enact changes in your life, it will be impossible to go back to your old self.

Regardless of where this is happening in your chart, this is a culmination, or a completion of something. Sometimes completions are very exciting, like we've crossed the finish line of something and now its time for a celebration!

Other times culminations are difficult for us because for some reason as humans we expect the things we think are good or going well to continue on forever. I don't believe that it's valuable to live in fear that good things in quantum mechanics, so I personally believe that to be self sabotage anyway) but even if you don't believe in the power of mindset and positivity to dwell in the possibility of degradation or dissolution is degrading your mental wellness in the moment and that really does impact your health, which I personally believe impacts you on a grand scale day to day, year to year, and years make up a life time, fool!

So don't spend time worrying about what this big event will culminate with. If it is a dissolving of a relationship, work arrangement, or otherwise seemingly positive dynamic in your life, prepare yourself for the new beautiful thing that is scheduled to arrive over the next cycle of time. There's nothing else to do but your best.

If you have questions about what this could mean for your chart, you already know what to do -- because I already talked about it above!

If you already know that you want to work 1-1 with me on your natal chart send me a DM so that we can get your poop in a group and this time next month you'll see yourself in a whole new light with much deeper clarity on your true self and priorities.

*This is an update from this post.



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