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Chiron in Aries: Healing Through Fire and Passion (2018–2027); Your Most Undeserved Wound

A woman is shrouded in darkness in a grove of trees looking forlorn
A woman is shrouded in darkness in a grove of trees looking forlorn

Chiron in Aries: Healing Through Fire and Passion (2018–2027)

TW: mention of mythological rape of Chiron's mother

The Myth of Chiron is a sad one, indeed, but it has a happy ending (kind of). He is known as the wounded healer. Here's the down-low on Chiron.

Chiron was a centaur "god" of the Greek variety.

He is the son of Cronus (Saturn), grandson of Uranus (God of heaven) and Gaia (Earth), who took Philyra (a daughter of Oceanus, titan of the seas who preceded Poseidon - Neptune) without her consent in the shape of a stallion -- to avoid his wife Rhea seeing the whole thing (eyeroll), and the half-brother of Zeus (Jupiter). This would make him the uncle of Hercules, who accidentally shot him with a poisoned arrow. More on that in a minute.

Chiron’s Deep Wounds and Healing Story

  1. Chiron was given an emotional wound at birth (being the offspring of rape—not even a love affair—and then orphaned by a mother who tossed him away as a monster) and a physical wound at the end of his life (a poisoned arrow by mistake from a friend).

  2. Although he was immortal, he traded his immortality to escape a painful existence but not without freeing Prometheus—a friend to humankind—who was being punished for giving fire to humans.

  3. He was eventually given permanent residence in the "firmament" or night sky as the constellation Sagittarius.

  4. He was raised and taught skills by his adoptive family, his niece and nephew Artemis and Apollo.

Chiron in Your Chart: Healing Through Wounds

The place where we have Chiron in our chart shows where we are wounded from birth. The circumstances that wound us may not happen right at our birth, but they typically happen in our childhood. One of the most famous poems about Chiron is from the ancient mystic Rumi.

"Don't turn away. Keep your gaze at the bandaged place. That's where the light enters you."

This isn’t just a beautiful quote; it’s the key to understanding Chiron. The glyph or symbol for Chiron on your natal chart is literally a key!

The key is that in studying and familiarizing yourself with your own wounds, pain, and trauma, you’re able to receive the healing light of the universe and create a ripple effect of healing in others. This isn’t just any wound you learn from, heal, and forget about. This is a wound you are meant to discuss, to share, to engage with, and to be an active part of the solution in others’ lives.

Healing in a Masculine-Energy-Obsessed Culture

In our masculine-energy-obsessed culture, we’re taught to repress our emotions. We rush through grief and pain, wanting to skip it altogether and move right on to ‘getting over it.’ Society values consumerism, sets arbitrary bereavement times, and pushes us toward unsustainable 'up only' growth. We’re pressured to keep going, no matter what.

I’ll resist the urge to dive into planned obsolescence and the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle and instead passively recommend that you check out Matt DeAvella and Marie Kondo if you’re somehow still living under a rock.

Personal Reflections: My Own Chiron Wounds

For me, it was a combination of things. My mom worked three jobs while my stepdad abused me. My real dad abandoned me, and then my mom moved away. Friends and boyfriends tried to dull my pep and zest, and eventually, they left me too. Other things happened, but the key takeaway is that we all have wounds that shaped us.

It could be that you grew up watching family members abuse alcohol or food. It doesn’t have to be sudden or obvious to be impactful.

Chiron in Aries: Healing with Fire and Passion

Chiron is currently transiting Aries, bringing fiery and direct energy to the healing process. Aries is unapologetic. It says: "I’M HERE. DEAL WITH ME." It’s blunt, bold, and demands to be confronted.

Chiron isn’t an energy we enjoy working with. Rumi’s quote reminds us to gaze at the bandages, not to turn away. Our society teaches us to move on quickly—don’t cry, don’t dwell—but Chiron in Aries doesn’t let you avoid it.

Aries takes about 50 years to transit the zodiac, so if you’re celebrating your 50th birthday soon, you’re likely seeing a return. For the rest of us, Chiron in Aries is pushing us to heal through the part of our charts ruled by Aries.

For me, as a Capricorn rising, this is happening in my 4th house of home. Over the last few years, I’ve been healing my home and myself through communication, learning, and discussion (thank you, Mercury in Aries). It’s been tough, but Chiron’s marathon isn’t supposed to be easy.

Want to Explore Your Own Chiron Placement?

Curious where Chiron is in your chart? Let’s explore how Chiron’s placement can help you heal and grow.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into your healing journey, consider booking a Individual Live Consultation We’ll explore how Chiron’s transit is impacting your chart and how you can harness this energy for healing and personal growth over the next few years.



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