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EXACTLY HOW to use your astrology chart to plan an upcoming year.

EXACTLY HOW to use your astrology chart to plan an upcoming year. 

I love making new goals and stuff like that, so you can guess that the ringing in of a new year is a time of joy for me. 

🤌I love fireworks. 

🤌I love sparkly dresses and glamorous shoes.

🤌I love toasting champagne. ♉

I love dreaming up the new year and waving au revoir to the last. 

And yep - I love sitting down with my journal and planning and reflecting and obsessing. 

Whoops how'd that get in there? ♏

There is a LOT of new beginnings coming in 2023.

1. Mars will exit Gemini where it has been for 7 months (unusual for him to stay so long).

2. Saturn will exit Aquarius where it has been since 2020.

3. Saturn and Uranus will move out of a square aspect that was held for nearly all of 2021 and 2022. The next (relatively minor) development in this cycle will be in 2025 when Saturn in Aries sextiles Uranus in Gemini, and (major) development in this cycle will be in 2032 when Saturn and Uranus conjoin in Gemini.

4. Pluto will start to toggle between Capricorn and Aquarius where it will stay until 2044.

5. The nodes will toggle between the Taurus/Scorpio axis and enter Aries/Libra axis -- fully at the end of the year.

💡Start seeing your life and your chart as a process -- it's kinda like locating your pip-boy when you start playing Fall Out, uncovering the treasure map, or finding the first clue in a scavenger hunt.

How do you know what you should be focusing on? 

1. Where is Saturn spending the next year of your life transiting? 

Saturn is the lesson master and teacher of the zodiac and he is responsible for showing you what in your foundation needs your attention that you're either ignoring or ignorant to that you're gonna trip on if you keep going how you're going. This is "Father Time", and your impatience means nothing to him.  

⚠️Everyone's chart has a Saturn. EVERYONE has difficulties and challenges. NO ONE knows how to "life" perfectly and ALL will have to prepare adequately to effectively explore their limits and boundaries to find growth. 

On March 7, Saturn will be shifting into a new sign after bringing restriction, delay, and challenge to the Aquarius house in your chart for the last 3 years.  

Challenges in that area will start to unblock, as long as you have taken good notes and most importantly started using the now thoroughly tested system of infrastructure in your lifestyle that Saturn (ruler of traditional tactics of accomplishments) approves of. 

How this looks in action example: Saturn transiting the Aquarius 2nd house

2H - finance, earned income, values + Saturn - hard work, diligence, dicipline, just rewards for good work

Saturn wants to know how will you maintain your security financially? How will you be independent and rise to the occasion when your responsibilities are tested? What processes are there to ensure your survival isn't left to fluke successes and luck? How are you managing your resources coming and going? Have you really done your best? 

Saturn shifting to the 3rd house - 

3H - communication, expression, intellect, thoughts - Saturn hard work, diligence, dicipline, just rewards for good work

Now that you've received the work order list that Saturn has delivered to you for your Aquarian finance house, it's time to work on the mindset, intellectual/educational and communicative shifts that will support your implementation of the lesson he taught you while he was transiting the previous sign/house (over the next 30 years! 😵) while he transits Pisces. 

Every house builds off of the last and supports the next. Remember, start seeing your chart as a process to work, vibe, and flow through. Expect at least a similar level of difficulty that you experienced in the Aquarian house in the Pisces house. 

If you have planets in one house but not the other expect that the one with planets was likely a more difficult experience. If both have planets expect it to be more obvious if they are closer to earth - Moon/Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars, less obvious but more transformational if its outer planets, or if this is in the same or opposite sign as your ascendant or midheaven. 

If you have planets in this house

Google: "transit saturn conjunct natal (your planet)"

How to use this in planning: 

Google: "Saturn transit (your Pisces house) house" 

Saturn teaches through restriction, delays, and opposition. This is the 'snow' in your forecast - you need to leave early because of so you can safely get to your destination - it makes everything take longer and there are real consequences for overdriving the conditions. 

Do not plan for leaps and bounds and increases in this area of your chart this year. Plan for developing and working on systems and strategies to better accomplish your dreams and goals and stop being afraid of trial and error. 

Make the point of goals in the Pisces part of your chart "smoothing out/understanding/exploring/creating standards in how I act in this part of my life". 

2. Where is Jupiter spending the year?

Jupiter expands things. When Jupiter transits a sign he brings growth and increase to that house in your chart. Everyone's chart has a Jupiter. EVERYONE has luck and growth. NO ONE gets to plan for their luck or be solely responsible for their growth.

⚠️ Manage your envy when you see others growing if you're restricting or stagnating in an area of life. Jupiter is pointing you toward the growth of a certain plant -- water that one right now.  

In December 2022, Jupiter entered Aries and it will remain there until May 16, 2023 when it enters Taurus.

It could be objectively positive or negative - increased bank account/increased utility bill or subjectively positive or negative - increased responsibility, social events, or substance use. 

If you've followed Jupiter's tour around your chart you'll see how Jupiter acts for you. If you haven't consider both sides - positive increase and negative increase - even though lots of astrologers would have you believe that Jupiter is the bringer of luck and gifts - sometimes a persons expansion can be hard to handle - think stretch marks and growing pains that could come along with something that sounds positive like a bigger bank account or bigger network. 

Expansion is usually uncomfortable, and even frightening actually.  

How this looks in action example: Jupiter transiting the Aries 4th house

4H - Home, family, parents, home town + Jupiter - luck, growth, (foolish?) optimism

Jupiter is going around with his air chuck gassing up your attention toward your (Aries house theme)(in this example...) home or family. There could be a new home, move, renovations whether wanted or not, and the pending costs for all these as well.

Jupiter might be increasing the time youre spending with, or bringing your priorities toward your family, especially your parents, or time spent in or on your home. With Jupiter in Aries you will need to do this for yourself, not for others, and you'll need to take action to gain any lucky opportunities and breaks.

We're all looking for some luck and a fresh new start in this place in our chart because Jupiter just completed a full zodiac cycle in Pisces and is ready for a fresh clean slate of blowing shit up - in a good way and also potentially in challenging ways.

For your long term goals: Saturn will be visiting Aries in the 2nd half of the 2020 decade, entering around May 2025. Right now you'll create dreams and goals for the next dozen years, and in 2025 Saturn is coming to check in on your progress here. Look to #1 if you need a refresher on what Saturn's questions might be, but think of them for your home (in this example). Fill in your Aries house themes.

Jupiter shifting to the Taurus 5th house - 

5H - romance, fun, hobbies, creativity, children + Jupiter luck, growth, (foolish?) optimism

Any time Jupiter is on an angle there is an increase in the intensity of "the game of life"- whether that be the first house/Ascendant, 4th house/IC, the 7th house/DC, or the 10th house/MC.

Following these angle conjunctions there is a period of cooling down...this isn't always easy - like when Jupiter leaves the descendent/7th house and enters the 8th house -- home of fear, trauma and the resources of others -- ones we can't really control...

But a cooling down none the less. Even in the example of entering the 8th house you'll be less focused on others (7th house) and more focused on YOUR life experiences -- where you can live in your lane.

In this example Jupiter will enter the 5th house of pleasure and start seeking more pleasurable things -- cooking yummy food, indulging in pleasurable activities like play, art, and music, and having more romance. It should be easy to see how gassing up this area of your chart can turn from fun to needing damage control.

You'll start living the new "larger" version of your life in the area of your chart that Aries is in early in the year, and youll start getting pretty good at it around May when Jupiter enters Taurus. Jupiter will stay in the Taurus house until May 25, 2024. 

How to use this in planning:

Google: "Jupiter transiting [your Pisces house] house"

"Jupiter transiting [your Aries house] house" and

"Jupiter transiting [your Taurus house] house"

If you have planets in this house

Google: "transit Jupiter conjunct natal (your planet)"

Jupiter is another type of cosmic teacher. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, which are the signs that rule religion (Sagittarius) and spirituality (Pisces). There is a big difference between these things, but we're focusing on their similarity, since Jupiter isn't in either of those signs right now.

While Saturn teaches through restriction, delays, and opposition, Jupiter teaches through expansion, blind faith with optimism, and by doing and making mistakes.

This is the 'wind' in your forecast that you can use to your benefit or detriment on your way to your desination -- adjust your sails to manage your resources to safely get to your destination.

Think of the church and the concept of forgiveness -- you don't ask permission from God, you ask forgiveness after youve gone out there, lived life, and made mistakes.

Plan for leaps and bounds and increases in this area of your chart this year. Plan to know that you can't really plan in this area. This is luck, this is optimism, this is foolish naievety leading toward something working out grandly, or not working out and teaching you priceless lessons.  Jupiter and Saturn agree on this one thing: stop being afraid of trial and error. 

Make the point of goals in the Aries part of your chart "having blind faith and optimism that I am supposed to grow and excel in this area of my life, and if I truly believed that how would I be acting in this part of my life".

 What was going on in your life between June 2010 and June 2012? Expect a similar expansive quality to themes in the Aries and Taurus houses in your chart.

3. Where are the eclipses this year? 

Where there are eclipses in your chart during the year, you'll find shocking and sudden moments of upheaval, change, loss and gain that you weren't expecting. These will act as pivotal moments in life and lifestyle transformations. 

Aries New Moon Eclipse - April 20, 2023

Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse - May 5, 2023

Libra New Moon Eclipse - October 14, 2023

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse - October 28, 2023 (the last in the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse cycle that began on November 19, 2021)

While 2023 is a year of starting new things, there will be some unplugging required -- and I mean that in more of a plunger way, not an electricial appliance way. You'll see a few planets and events are about toggling between signs this year. This is a time period where you're integrating what you've learned over the previous transits and the universe is strapping you up in your new uniform for the next chapter.

This toggling feature will be clear in the spring of 2023. We will be in the midst of 'all systems go' because:

1. Mars will be direct.

2. The Sun will be exalted in Aries right before the eclipses start

3. All planets direct will have been in effect for 3 months before this until literally the day after the 1st Aries eclipse when Mercury goes retrograde.

when suddenly we will have a shocking event in April. People are almost always shocked by their eclipse events, but I think with the toggling between signs going on we'll feel like we've got a foot in 2 different boats.

Seeing this in action in your own chart:

What happened around these dates for you?

November 19, 2021

April 30, 2022

May 16, 2022

October 25, 2022

November 8, 2022

What was the connecting thread in those events? There should be some kind of completions (some of them are even masked as new beginnings) in the Taurus and Scorpio eclipses in 2023 -- May 5, and October 28, 2023.

This is the 'tornado' that the meteorologist can't really predict for you in your forecast. It starts to feel stormy after the previous moon's lunation in early April, and sometime between then and the next non eclipse lunation in late May or Early June we will have some kind of shocking event that requires us to just release control and wait for the storm to pass.

The best way to plan for a tornado is to have your battery operated radio in the basement before the storm.

Plan for open mindedness in this area of your chart. You'll be experiencing growth in 2 of the 4 houses that you'll experience eclipses in because Jupiter will be transiting your Aries house in early 2023 and will move to your Taurus house in May. So yes, plan for growth and optimism there, but also be flexible with your goals here. Rigidity isn't recommended, and practicing adaptability and being willing to pivot around the eclipse seasons is paramount for success in these areas in 2023. 

4. What houses will Mars transit this year? 

Neptune expanding the confusion, delusion, or even downright lies that [a conflicting square with] Mars been holding for months was encouraged will lift as Mars finishes its time in Gemini.

We are all seeking the clarity to take action that Neptune has been holding hostage from our motivation and action planet Mars. This aspect will happen again and be strong from March 1st until Mars enters Cancer after 7 long months. 

With Mars square Neptune its difficult to know anything concretely. We are bound to be surprised by things in late March after the beginning of the spring equinox when Mars finally enters Cancer on March 25th.

Plan for big decisions that lead to bold action to be delayed until at least then.  Between now and March 25 tread water in the areas Mars and Neptune are dueling in as much as possible. Now is not the time to make big investments or gambles you can't afford in the Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius or Virgo areas of life if possible. 

Between January 2023 and December 2023 Mars will transit all the houses between Gemini and Sagittarius. Expect to have more motivation, energy and maybe even interest for those areas of life than you have over 2022.

March 25 - Mars enters Cancer

May 20 Mars enters Leo

Jul 10 Mars enters Virgo

Aug 27 Mars enters Libra

Oct 12 Mars enters Scorpio

Nov 24 Mars enters Sagittarius

If you have planets in these houses

Google: "transit mars conjunct natal (your planet)"

How to use this in planning: 

Google: "Mars transit (sign) house" 

This is the day in the forecast that matches what you need AND you have the time and energy to take your tasks to task-- are your plants dry? The forecast says rain. Are your plants hungry? Sunshine incoming. Have your plants already fruited and released their seed? A cold snap before rest. Mars gives you the motivation and energy to focus on what needs to be done.

This is where planning can really come in handy. It's up to you to try you best after Mars exits a sign to maintain a level of energetic consistency over the next 2 years as your motivation and attention toward those themes decends into a motivational entropy.

Note: When Mars is in a few situations throughout a chart you may want to plan for calm, quiet and recouperating.

- Mars conjunct, square, or opposite transit or natal Saturn or natal Moon.

- Mars in Cancer, Pisces, Taurus or Libra.

- Mars in the sign of your 4th, 8th, or 12th house.

5. Where are any of the defining alignments this year and what is activating your chart taking place? 

2023 is different from the previous few years in that the most notable events astrologically are ingresses (planets shifting signs) instead of aspects (squares, trines, oppositions etc) between planets.

The most notable transits defining the previous few years were

2020: Capricorn Conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto, Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius

2021 -2022: Saturn/Uranus Square

2022: Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, Mars(Mars Rx)/Neptune Square, Uranus Square Nodes/Eclipses

2023: Pluto into Aquarius, Saturn into Pisces, Nodes into Aries/Libra, Jupiter into Taurus (where it will stop toggling signs during retrogrades)

This should be significantly less stressful than the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020 and the stress test of the Saturn/Uranus square from 2021 and 2022.

Aside from the toggling, ingresses, and eclipses that will color this year -- the most significant transits and aspects are between Jupiter and the rest of the planets from Taurus and specifically a conjunction with Uranus.

Like I said before, Jupiter will transit Aries and Taurus, bringing expansion to cardinal and fixed parts of your chart. The connections it makes to planets in your Aries and Taurus houses are especially important but also notice how it's communicating with all planets in your chart.

We are going to be firing with more cylinders early in the astrological new year when we are blessed with a period of all planets direct :

JANUARY 22, 2023 - APRIL 21, 2023.

This is a time period where there will be less friction between our expectations of the planets and their more productive forward directed energy vs their slower paced retrograde energy that we feel more frequently -- metaphorically looking back to dot is and cross ts.

6. What houses are these events happening in your spouse, best friend, sibling, children, and parent's charts? 

I've been talking with J about our plans and goals too. Feels good! Ours are about our debt, credit, and budget. Why?

1. Jeremy's Pisces house is his 8th house -- this has connotations that he will be learning lessons around his partner's resources -- which means that Im likely learning lessons in that area through manifestations of his chart

2. We're looking at what 'home' means. Jeremy's 4th house is Scorpio where there has been a lot of transformative activity with the eclipse cycle of 2022. We're currently not in a very fixed or stable position housing wise. 🚌

3. Saturn is completing his tour of my 2nd house of earned income, so now its time to use the lessons I learned to refine the way I use money that I've earned, and how I earn it.

Honorable mention: Venus will Retrograde in my Leo 8th house of partners resources, debt and investments.

We've made some gambles 🎰. We have won some bets, and lost some of our most educated guesses. So we're repairing that now. 

My own goals right now are focused on my education and astrology practice. Why?

I've always been "focused" on my health habits and that "focus" has almost always led to me doing worse than even the average person would do without "focusing" on it so I'm changing my strategy with that for a while.

I realize now the problem was my *true* intentions and their roots in my self hatred. I believe that this story is unfolding before me as Pluto starts to toggle out of my 1st house, and into my 2nd, transforming my values over the next 20 years. Venus will come on stage for the half time show as Pluto retrogrades back into my 1st during the Summer months as she retrogrades in my Leo house of fear and trauma, hopefully bringing me self love and acceptance.

A more aligned focus this year is my astrological education. Indeed my dream is for my deep life study to be astrology, but that can ony come after a truly worthy foundation of education in that subject (any subject that is desired to be studied deeply) has been established -- and so far my astrological education has been mostly piece meal -- through reading random beginner to advanced books, and blogs, watching youtube videos.

This is a very Gemini way of learning honestly. It's learning through interest and variety, but never really getting to involved or deeply invested. I have a Gemini Venus, and so I have exceedlingly enjoyed learning this way. But it's been 10 years of an on and off affair. And now that Saturn is about to enter my 3rd house of messaging, intellect, communication, broadcasting, foundational learning, and neighborhood it's time to start the work on the foundation so I can move forward on the path.

In 2023 I have a goal of completing 100 hours of astrology consultations, and to complete a foundational course I already own. If you're ready to be on my calendar send me a message on facebook or through the contact field on my website.

As Saturn enters the Pisces part of my chart (and yours) you might find yourself learning and teaching through living as Jesus did. Jesus is a humanization of the Piscean archetype of empathy, compassion and creativity through connection with the collective universe that we are involved in.

Jesus taught by living his truth, and he taught by dying for his connection to the collective spirit, the universal God, our cosmic "parent". He knew we are all fingers on the hand of God -- or more Piscean -- toes on the foot of god.👣 He knew no other way to be but completely conscious and he spread his message through his miracles of living life as a miraculousy dreamy but no nonsense teacher of compassionate and pure thought. 

No more self hatred, or intellectualized self loathing. No more unreachable expectations without grace. No more fear of trial and error. No more intentions that are muddied by trauma and inferiority.

I'm not calling 2023 my year, becuase it's cliche and boring.

I'm calling 2023 the next book in the trilogy for me, because in March my Saturn return concludes and I start seeing the completion of Saturn cycles in areas of my life that he already started teaching me lessons in 30 years ago.

I know from here on out that my life wont necessarily get easier, but I do believe it will get more familiar.

If you took the time to read this entire post please leave me your favorite emoji in the comments -- especially if you feel like you never really get to use it. My favorite emoji is the carnival horse. 🎠 I've decided to just use it whenever I want these days. In fact, my entire branding is based on just using emojis I like. 🪅🛼🪁

We're not overanalyzing things as much as we used to (thanks south node in Scorpio), we're doing things because we want to in 2023. We're keeping an open mind in 2023. We're making way for luck, blind faith, and optimism in 2023. We're taking bold action where it makes sense, and remaining flexible where necessary.

We're doing it, even if we're not doing it well yet, we're doing it. 



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