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Your inner child is in your Rising + Moon sign - so who are you now as an adult?

Obviously we all experience changes in your outward self (hopefully through growth, and not through degradation of your character) over the period of your entire life, but how does that work with your astrology chart?

A pony is wearing flowers dressed like a unicorn
Unicorn Pony

Let's talk about growing into your personality, and growing into your chart. Of course you're going to experience changes in your outward presenting self (hopefully through growth, and not through degradation of your character) over the period of your entire life, but how does that work with your astrology chart?

There are a few ways, some of which are advanced, and some of which aren't so advanced, that we can do a quick dip vs a deep dive into ways that you can see growth throughout your chart.

We come into this world knowing nothing at all. They say our consciousness enters the body at the ascendant, where Heaven meets the Earth.

As a child have a dynamic that is made up of expectations of us from ourselves and parents. During childhood, we learn how to interact with the world, and quickly decide which actions give positive reinforcement in our unique, specific environment and which ones give negative reinforcement.

Typically Aries rising children are active and independent. Capricorn rising children are more responsible than others, usually because they have to be, Scorpio rising children can be private. Of course there are exceptions to the rules, but generally we start our lives experiencing life that correlates to our rising sign.

This dynamic is a manifestation of our rising sign, an integral part of our human interactions, and what I call our persona, more on that as we go.

Often times we are tasked with maintaining these expectations because we now expect them of ourselves.

Eventually we might learn that they may or may not be helpful in a true soulfully aligned self expression -- but because they help design the values you have for the rest of your life through the ruler ships of the different houses in your chart, certain aspects of them will need to be upheld and integrated into authentic self expression.

[In case you need to be told this: learning your astrology chart won't show you "hacks" to changing how you show up in the world - you will not be "trumping" the universal energy that you are a physical manifestation of -- sorry boo. You will learn how to show up because you finally learn how you WORK PROPERLY. ]

But what else? When we are children we have emotions, and starting as a toddler we start to have very strong, instinctual emotions. Emotions are involuntary and create physiological changes (our faces flush and we experience an increase in skin temperature during a rush of angry emotions!), and for some children they are exceedingly unpredictable.

Our emotional selves aren't necessarily our core selves, though.

Emotions are ever changing, coming and going, waxing and waning (get it), and unreliable.

They're not something that can support a foundation of relationships, wellness, or very easily function in human-made societies.

Nonetheless, they do impact us greatly in the beginning of our lives, because they're instinctual and very real and -- especially with reactive parents who haven't healed themselves (like many many of us had) -- do affect our relationships with our primary caregivers (and also our friends, and other authority figures in our lives) for the remainder of our lives.

That being said, I don't think that it's a coincidence that these emotions start to come through as our minds start to develop toward comprehension and as they start building expectations of what our experiences "should" look like.

Around toddler-hood we start observing other people and events, and start judging whether or not what we're experiencing is "fair", painful, or pleasurable.

When we're children our #1 motivator is exploration. Many great thinkers have stated this. Our jobs as parents in this regards is only to ensure that they're safe explorers who don't accidentally kill themselves.

In Mark Manson's Everything is Fucked, he talks about how eventually we realize we can't possibly explore everything in the world, and we move onto the next phase where we start making things MEAN things, other than "that hurts me", and "that feels good" ( this conversation starts on page 140 in case anyone would like to read this book).

This is where Mercury comes in, astrologically.

We start actually communicating with people, and hearing about differing aspects of the world that our parents aren't providing us with -- not just answering questions and asking questions.

We start forming complex relationships that help us start to make opinions (that are still very much based in emotion, because we don't know any better).

Eventually we start receiving messaging from authorities in our lives (whether parents, teachers, etc) that being logical is not only better, but expected, over emotional.

Regardless of the sex of a child, it is expected and communicated to them that they need to behave intellectually, not emotionally especially out in public.

This starts the suppression of the Moon placement, and allows the Mercury placement to step into the role of 2nd in command of an adolescent's persona, and it remains an important component of their outward persona into adulthood.

Neither one is better than the other, but there's no denying that they're different -- even if your Mercury and Moon share the same sign. They are fundamentally different manifestations of your outward expression and the characteristics of that sign.

After that, you'll eventually grow into your Sun sign. Only when you're old enough to move past the black and white that first the Moon, and then Mercury offer you in adolescence.

In Everything is Fucked, this concept is covered too (from a purely non-astrological point of view, obviously).

He talks about how as an adolescent we lack principles. Which means that teens will jump over principles and go straight for pleasure. This is why often teens have a rebellious streak, and need to learn lessons that seem so common sense to adults who've "forgotten" what it was like.

As an adult we reserve our emotional Moon placements for those who can handle them, who we trust to love us through things that aren't logical and pretty.

It's a beautiful aspect of a relationship to allow emotions to be an aspect -- it gives a deep, much richer experience that shows us whether or not people can truly handle the real us and love us unconditionally.

That being said, we also start seeing real consequences coming through in adolescence and adult hood.

As children there are rarely long lasting consequences to letting our true freak-flag fly -- but when we grow into adolescence and adult hood we start getting rejected, criticized, and judged for letting our true selves shine.

This can cause a reversal of our own self acceptance which creates conflict in our lives. Supposedly Jim Carrey has said that depression is a sign that your body is tired of "playing this character". I'm not any kind of mental health professional, but regardless of whether it's literally or legitimately accurate, my experience has been in line with this statement.

When we disregard our true selves and play the avatar that feels easier (our rising sign -- because this is the first impression that builds an expectation between you and another person) at first everything feels "okay" because you're upholding the expectation that you and that other person have for the relationship.

But as your relationship grows and gets deeper, you're both consistently pushing down your potentially mismatching aspects of your persona.

In astrology, this is regularly correlated to by non-harmonious aspects to the 3 components of your persona -- rising, Mercury and Sun sign. Having non-harmonious elements, modalities or polarities in your "new big 3" can very commonly convince you that you should play up one, and hide another.

Ignore that you're a certain way. Act a certain way. Interact a certain way.

This seems to be x10 if you suffer from abandonment issues, experienced rejection of your authentic, unfiltered self from major players in your life like family, or lost a job or community due to it.

But even though its hard -- you should STOP doing that. ;)

Looking at how you have grown into your chart is a complex topic that involves both the aspects of your planets and the transits that you experience as the beat of time drums on in your chart - both of which are covered when you work with me hand in hand in my three month one-on-one program Using Astrology for Late Stage Beginners and by the end you'll have a lot more understanding of your complex total package personality.

This one-on-one program with me is for the driven individual who is open to the mystical and either doesn’t know much about astrology or has some understanding but doesn’t know how to effectively apply it.

They keep finding themselves feeling blocked in one or more areas of their life - almost as though they’re swimming against the current and can’t figure out why it’s so hard to just get to where they want to go.

They’d like to be able to use their chart in a way that aligns them with their purpose in all areas of their life and to be given the tools to decipher their chart, learn their genius zones and apply it to their long term life goals, relationships, work life balance, emotional health and sense of fulfillment.

While making the journey there far more easefilled.

You won’t have to read a million philosophical books, spend hours on general forecasts, or even spend years or a decade on courses to get real returns on this information

DM me to grab your spot




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