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How Does the Average Person Use Astrology? Why Book with an Astrologer?

When I post about "astrology stuff" I know it can be a little bit...technical and intellectual -- but do you know how every day people typically use astrology?

Most people find astrology 1 of 2 ways:

1. They originally seek out “what is astrology/why do people believe astrology” as a skeptic because “How can we all be divided into only 12 personality types?”

[This is actually how I found astrology in 2010 and how I learned that it was very much NOT just dividing people into 12 personality types unlike some other “personality division” systems such as Myers Briggs which divides people into 1 of 16 categories (I’m an ENTP).

I’ve been known as a smart kid, smart ass, smart mouth, and my hogwarts house is decidedly ravenclaw, so believe me when I say astrology surprised me as being a lot more technical and a lot less intuitive than most people think.]

2. They are going through an incredibly difficult time, have reoccurring complications or themes, or a difficult relationship in their life and they need to understand WHY. What is the underlying message? What are they supposed to LEARN from what they’re going through? [This is why I stuck around with astrology.]

I give you some insight into how this works when I write about my own experiences using astro, or my own chart. I’ll leave some of those examples at the end for you to look over.

But in the mean time, how can I explain to you that astrology is a valuable tool for your own self reflection and can help you understand how to get what you want out of life – or update what you’re not enjoying about your current life?

Heres’ a crash course on how astrology can help the every day person who knows nothing about astrology –

Prerequisite information: You don’t have to believe in fate over free will, you don’t have to believe that what you do or your choices are destiny, and you aren’t actually living or controlling your reality (you can, but it’s not my preference).

Bonus: Time has a quality and is not just a measurement or quantity "History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme." - Mark Twain.

Western Astrology is based on the seasons and is archetypally predictive in that there is certain qualities of time and each moment that something happens (like a birth) is a promise to carry out qualities of that archetypal nature.

Astrology Consultations (oftentimes called “readings”) can go a few ways depending on the astrologer you hire, and the outcome you’re looking for.

0. You’re already a bit familiar with astrology or you’ve had other readings and want to understand the timing of your life vs your personality – this can look like a Solar Return (birthday chart) a zodiacal release (understanding the chapters of your life and the build up times, peaks, and cool down times), what is the next focus on your life, hows the next “so many years” looking, etc

1. You’re looking to understand your own personality better – This astrology consultation will focus on your personal planets that explain your experience of your life and how you communicate your ideas to others

Sun: your individual and true Self – Capital “S” - This often helps you understand what things you might be underestimating as important, and what you might try to strong-arm out of your life if you have a lot of conflicting planetary energies

Moon: your body, your emotions, your senses, your soul’s home – Understanding this can help uncover a TON of relationship and communication dynamics because we express much more than just our ideas when we talk to our loved ones and when we are having a difficult time connecting to others this will help us understand why.

Mercury: your ideas, your communication, your speech, your interests – You likely understand how understanding this better can be helpful – you might have the experience that how you think and communicate isn’t well received or you’re misconstrued or misunderstood a lot – this can help you understand what mechanisms are at play and you can decide “what to do about that”.

2. You’re looking to understand your relationship dynamics better

Moon: reread above – this is also representative of the dynamics between you and your mother or an parent who is absent if you only parent acts as your authority figure when you’re young

Venus: How we love, harmony, how we come together, our love language, how we prefer to be loved, how we show love, how we act in love

Mars: How we experience conflict and sex – how you are when you’re frustrated, how you fight for things, and what you’ll fight for, how you become aroused, and what leads to great sex for you

3. You’re looking to understand your professional life –

Saturn – hard work, foundation, dedication, delays

MC – your public reputation, what you’re well known for, what you want to be known for, the type of reputation you’re “comfortable with”

2H/6H/10H – Your work houses refer to how money comes to you, your values, your daily routines, your reputation, your career

4. You’re looking to understand reoccurring themes that feel like they’re stunting your growth Relationships between the above topics

For example: My mars (conflict) is “speaking” to my Moon (emotional security) and they’re in each other’s homes – which NEITHER likes to be in. – I have a hard time trusting people aren’t going to just get from me what they want, and then pack up their bags. I have a hard time being direct to people that I care for the deepest. I have a hard time trusting that people are here for the long term. I’m suspicious, I’m strategic, and I have learned to be manipulative to try and avoid these outcomes – (just trying to be honest here, folks).

SO: I have learned that I need to reassess the intentions that I have. I fooled myself for the longest time into believing that my intentions were good, and pure.

But actually they were buried in an inferiority complex where every action I made toward people was desperately hoping to change their opinion of me to make them to like me – because I already “knew” they wouldn’t or didn’t like me – which they can sense and guess what – it makes them NOT like me. #clownlife

I see it – right there in the chart – Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in the 11th house trine Mars in Cancer conjunct Chiron in the 7th.

But the thing about astrology is that learning that there is a river of tendencies eroded into your psyche, like the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, doesn’t give you the right to just let it keep eroding, keep ingraining, and it doesn’t give you the right to say “well, this is just the way I am – see its right there in my chart.” You’re not made of stone.

The thing about astrology is that it takes something nebulous – like ‘abandonment’ and it makes it clearer. It’s like tuning the lens on a camera to bring things into focus. It shows you where in your life you’re “worried about it” and helps you act differently in those scenarios so that you and the supporting cast in your life can have better experiences at work, home, with partners, parents, children, and yes – when you’re alone staring into the dark at night.

Unfortunately the integration process can be difficult and long. Astrology has a similarity to psychotherapy in that way – one session isn’t usually enough to cover all of the necessary details especially if you have more than one area of life you'd like to work on -- like basically everyone.

I’ve known some of these components to my personality for years, and I’m still working on the triggers. I’ve manifested a year of near isolation now to reflect on the way I’ve hurt others, NOT the way they’ve hurt me, how I’ve manipulate others NOT how they’ve manipulated me, and how my suspicious nature has encouraged me to never ever trust anyone – not even myself.

Imagine if I never knew this how much longer it might take me to work on these marks, and how many more people I might lose before I even understood what was happening.

You can absolutely practice self love, compassion, and work on being a more understanding person for yourself and others, without astrology, but if that sounds like it's going to take your whole life (it is) let's have a look into your own chart and see where you can tune your focus. Send me a message.

I mostly enjoy having conversations with people who are looking to better understand their tendencies, preferences, and current dynamics to their external life so they can purposefully create an aligned life that feels completely their own and I’m ready to help you!

Here are a couple examples about me and my life:

Noting the Difference between Years Using Solar Returns (Birthday charts!) -

Here are some examples more generally:



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