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Libra Lunar Eclipse Eclipse Season 2024 Aries Solar Eclipse Season 2024

Eclipse Season is gearing up - energy is boosting...eclipse season can be one of the most intense times of any given year, and when you're in the middle of it, you might feel like a tumbleweed in the wind. Eclipse events can feel like a sudden siren or an explosion of fireworks that you aren't expecting, but usually, when you look back, there will be a theme connecting each eclipse in a series.

If you're not familiar with "eclipse series," the usual story is that two times per year, there are two eclipses two weeks apart - one at the full moon and one at the new moon.

Then, six months later, there are two more eclipses two weeks apart in the opposite zodiac sign for around 18 months, and then they move into the next two zodiac signs for the next 18 months.

The eclipses will bounce back and forth between two signs on an axis - one lunation focusing on providing fated beginnings (the new moon) and one lunation focused on providing a fated ending (the full moon).

They then reverse that dynamic in the next part of the cycle, with more fated beginnings and endings in the opposite directions. You can see how these back-and-forth things tend to have a whirlpool energy.

In this post, we're going over the finer details, including the dates of these eclipse events in the timeline of the entire series and call back to our memory of what was going on when this cycle began.

What was going on during the last time the eclipses took place in these signs? - themes go back nearly a decade and two decades ago!

My goal is for you to better understand the thread of themes that are coming up cyclically and to better understand your role in the process unfolding.

I always want you to be able to navigate transits of any kind with resilience and self-awareness, but that is doubly true with eclipse events, which can feel earth-shaking in the moment.

This eclipse season lasts from March 11, 2024, until April 23, 2023, and the next one will be in September, from September 5 to October 17, 2024.

I consider eclipse season from the time the Moon enters the sign after the lunation - whether that is new or full moon - before an eclipse, and then the same logic for after - when the Moon enters the sign of the next lunation.

Learning how each eclipse season as a whole reverberates in your life is a super important aspect of actually using astrology to make your life better and more manageable.

If you're being thrown completely out of whack every six months by these sudden eclipse energies, you'll spend too much time getting back to your level grounded state, and then there will be another one before you know it.

Eclipse season acts as a facilitator in turning points and life events. We are forced to surrender to them usually. There is often a feeling of "I wouldn't have chosen this under other circumstances, but this is the path we're on now."

You'll often feel like you have "made a choice," but there wasn't really any alternative choice that reasonably could have been made.

In the previous eclipse cycle, I really truly thought at the beginning that moving into the bus was something that was fated to be in the best possible way. We had waited for four years to get to that day - and when it came early, it perfectly lined up with an eclipse.

I saw it as further proof that we were making the right choices (not that there is ever definitively a way to know if your choices are right or "wrong").

But every six months, our living situation devolved further and further until at the end of it, as fall turned to winter 2022, we were homeless. I was arriving at my rock bottom - no joke - no exaggeration.

Indeed eclipses can be fated beginnings or things that look like beginnings but are actually endings...

The next eclipses in early 2023 eventually showed me a rainbow after a rainstorm - but time marches on, and now there is a new thematic unfolding taking place.

The first Aries eclipse took place on April 19, 2023, and the Libra eclipse took place on October 14, 2023.

And that's all we have had - one eclipse from each Aries and Libra since the nodes entered in July of 2023.

There will be a LOT of context in this next two eclipses (between now and April 23) and their seasons because this is the only Eclipse Season out of the entire Aries/Libra eclipse series that is a true back and forth between the polarity of that axis.

In all of the other Eclipse seasons involving Aries and Libra, another axis is being previewed or reviewed.

In 2023, we were reviewing and completing the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse series - in the Spring, we had Aries/Scorpio eclipses, and in the fall, we had Taurus/Libra eclipses.

In the fall of 2024, there will be a preview of the Virgo/Pisces axis in between the Libra eclipse on October 2nd, 2024, and the next Aries eclipse, which is in March of 2025, which is actually the final eclipse of this entire series.

I know that we are far from finishing this series, so I apologize for jumping to the end already, but the importance of this specific eclipse season in the overall thematic process unfolding needs to be acknowledged.

The remaining dates in this series are:

- Libra Lunar Eclipse — March 25, 2024

- Aries Solar Eclipse — April 8, 2024

- Pisces Lunar Eclipse Preview - September 17, 2024 (Previous Pisces Lunation was Pisces New Moon on March 11, 2024)

- Libra Solar Eclipse – October 2, 2024

- Virgo Lunar Eclipse Preview 2 - March 13, 2025

- Aries Solar Eclipse – March 29, 2025

The previous Libra/Aries series took place:

- October 18, 2013 - Aries

- April 15, 2014 - Libra

- October 8, 2014 - Aries

- April 4, 2015 - Libra

- September 27, 2015 - Aries

The previous Aries/Libra series took place in 2004-2006.

The exact time frames were:

- April 19, 2004 - Aries

- October 14, 2004 - Libra

- April 8, 2005 - Aries

- October 3, 2005 - Libra

- October 17, 2005 - Aries

- March 29, 2006 - Aries

Were there any pivotal events for you during these time frames?

Eclipses can be really draining - even if your eclipse season is less intense than others have been, or for others you know - you are still likely physically and mentally affected by the eclipse.

Even lending a helping hand to others or listening to them tell eclipse stories can be emotionally overstimulating and overwhelming.

You should spend time relaxing, focused on maintaining (not starting new under non-emergency circumstances), and grounding into the reality you have control over.

You have control over taking care of your body, what you eat, where you go (mostly), and who you spend it with. This is not the week to say yes to everything, offer your time to anyone extraneously, or to be in anyone else's business.

Stay in your lane because the road may shift and curve suddenly during eclipse season.

Great grounding rituals that are good for eclipse season are buried in your daily routine. Stir intentions into your coffee, lunch, or water. Whisper gratitude and calmness into your bong water before you let her rip. Touch the grass and name each blade you pick.

The best thing you can do is just stay aware of the process that's unfolding. You weren't going the direction you needed to go, so the universe made it so abundantly clear what the next move was that you couldn't screw it up.

There will be no other option but to do as the universe requires. That is the key to grounding and integrating eclipse season into your life.

I want to hear from you - what eclipse threads have you found in your life history? Do you have any from the Aries/Libra series that's unfolding now?

What predictions do you have for your life?

Don't know how to make a prediction? To make a newbie-friendly prediction, all you have to do is create an archetypal mind map and a history of previous events associated - in this case, anything related to the events around the dates above. Not sure what I mean by Archetypal Mind Map? Get subscribed here so you'll be sure to get that vlog/blog when it's available.

Leave below what house Aries and Libra are in your chart and any insights you have from the April 2023 and October 2023 eclipses so others can compare and contrast with their rising signs too.

Stay grounded, stay breathing steady, stay hydrated, stay in your lane, stay calm, put one foot in front of the other. Those are my pieces of advice as this event cycle carries out.

You've survived countless eclipses before, and the intense fear and dramatics some people put on around eclipse season is unnecessary. Not every eclipse is going to be a horrific intense experience, and you honestly shouldn't expect that any of them will be.

But what they will be - is unpredictable.

By the way, we're doing another Lunation Live Virtual event on March 25, 2024 - come hang out with me and sip a lil drink, get anchored into the vibe of the night, and journal through the eclipse energy. I am so looking forward to this event - not just because it's not my first live event anymore (but I am glad that is over), but because I am going to make this way more fun and a lot less formal this time.

This post is sponsored by me: Shanae - Want my eyes on your chart? Go to to check out my offerings whether you just want a tour of your chart to a full-fledged consultation or even working together in a longer mentorship container.

Thank you so much for being here today. I can't wait to see you in the next one — Spring Equinox and Aries season Horoscopes!

Love you long time, have a good day. xoxoxo



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