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Stop Doing THIS to Yourself - Black and White Thinking and managing your expectations with Astrology

a woman sits in front of a photo of a large cactus with a sweater hanging off her shoulder, looking pensive


In an astrology group I'm in someone said:"Retrogrades til dec 31. I'm just giving up and trying to relax to the best of my ability for the rest of the year"

My response:

Don't. I *absolutely* do understand the sentiment of it, but


1. avoid black and white thinking - eg: if its not kale for dinner I may as well eat horrifically, eg: if there's gonna be retrogrades I will "give up" and "relax" --

that mindset needs to be managed significantly

2. what does 'giving up' mean? what does relaxing mean? How should you deal with transits and managing your expectations for the unfolding of your life? How do we stop astrology transits from being self-perpetuating vicious cycles?


Black and white thinking is a self defense mechanism from the subconscious mind. It is a get out of jail free card, a hall pass, a backstage/press pass -- to doing absolutely nothing for a long while.

Why would you want to do this? Well -- there are many possibilities. Perhaps a fear of being seen - a fear of rejection - an inferior/superiority complex - a fear of success.

No matter the reason why you may like to do it, or which kind of misaligned feeling arises: dramatic chaotic energy, or stale stagnant energy that isn't moving the needle forward on your goals -- they're both thieves of passion and joy -- and you LIKE IT.

You like a challenge.

You like to be told things are hard -- and to tell others that -- yeah -- it *is* hard to do what I did.

It took me this long, I went through these trials, these tribulations.

Isn't that impressive?

Yes, indeed, it IS impressive.

We all have a story to live out. If your story was easy it would be a shit, boring story. You wouldn't want to tell anyone about anything in your life if it was never a challenge.

Who wants to sit around and discuss how little they have accomplished in the past 5 years? Victims.

Is that you? No.

I didn't think it was.

When you allow your fear to drive the car, you go in circles, you refuse to ask for directions, you stop and pull over, drive down one way the wrong way, get lost in the bad part of town, get a flat tire, and wake up to a car on blocks -- and obviously you're exceptionally late for your engagement that you were driving to

And -- it's optional.

If you were to stop this conscious vs subconscious misdirection of actual priorities, action, and choices you would see that retrogrades aren't meant for 'relaxing' (as much as astrologers like to say it's for 're' words - relax isn't necessarily one of them).

Arguably Mars, maybe, but others -- well -- its more complicated than just relaxing.

Do you think Saturn retrograde really wants you to rest? Perhaps a DELAY at best, but REST?

Does Mercury ever actually want REST?

Does Neptune function at its most potent while at rest? -- perhaps some...but resting people do not Neptunian archetypes make - in fact Neptunian archetypes need to be EXPRESSED often times creatively or through active addiction - does this happen through REST?

Does Uranus ever signify REST?

I haven't been giving you advice to REST necessary. Do we all go through cycles where we need more rest than other times?

Yes. But I can not say that any given time is a time for everyone to rest (except perhaps Mars retrograde -- but is it really good advice to REST for 3 months?)

I've been giving you advice to CHILL.

But now we have to get to


What does relax mean?

In the comment in question it seems like it isn't really relax in the manner of

a hammock and a cocktail (or whatever) while journaling to the latest playlist made in celebration of the end of summer and beginning of fall.

This kind of relaxing is good when Mars is retrograde - but hilariously he's actually the ONLY planet that CAN retrograde that is DIRECT at this time.

(Mars retrograde happens every 2 years or so -- it happened from late October 2022 - March of 2023 and during the last half of 2020 in case you needed reminding!)

If you're thinking that relaxing is going to solve your problems, I'm not telling you it won't (it depends on the problem...obviously).

But I think for most of you the temptation to 'relax' is actually the temptation to truly give up control of the direction, strategy, details of "things".

In the comment in question, it feels like "I'm going to let go of control" for now and just start over/again at the beginning of the year.

If you feel the overwhelm-driven desire to give up on the things that you're working on now (apparently til the end of the year - 131 DAYS!!!)

then I have to ask

how dedicated are you to them?

Here's the thing - from September 3rd on Venus will be direct (and won't retrograde in in Leo again until 2031)

this is only 11 days from now, and the Mercury retrograde that hasn't even started is already going to be direct by September 16.


All transits are temporary - even ones that take 3-15 years. They are all temporary.

But isn't it helpful to know if something is likely to last a few weeks, reoccur every 6 months, or happen once in your lifetime?

When there is something going on in the cosmos that is long term and challenging it is tempting to just throw in the towel, drop anchor and wait for calmer waters.

But here is the tough love -- the waters aren't calm that much...

learning astrology deeper will show you 1st that there is a LOT more challenge and work than celebration and reward.

At first this causes some existential dread. You realize just how difficult life (and specifically your life) might be.

And then after the existential dread phase, if you keep going, you will reach the phase where you see everything as an unfolding process.

This is the real self development gold mine.

You will realize that you can see when the next development will come down the pipeline -- and you'll know that certain archetypes don't go away -

they shapeshift, they become mature, they become brittle, they die, and they're reborn in a new manifestation - whether that be a person, place, thing, or idea.

Learning your astrology chart and using astrology to plan your energy expenditure,

understand your unfolding processes in each of the life categories, and learning to see each event as data to understand the underlying subconscious priorities, actions, and choices

will allow you to be a more active participant in your life.

This will allow you to untangle your shadow stories so that you can start living in the light and navigating your goals, as well as play a better lead character, attract more aligned supporting characters in your life, and find the courage to leave behind what isn't meant for you.

Once you have recognized the things that you ARE dedicated to, the idea of "just giving up and trying to relax to the best of my ability for the rest of the year" sounds impossible.

You know what is going on with the unfolding process of you -- coming into your aligned self and belief expression, work experience, social dynamics, and emotional world

to the degree that you have first, curiosity with the vast majority of your life experiences, then empowered decisive actions.

You begin to see your life as a story with acts, settings, characters and scenes.

And this very immersive production isn't stopping because there are lots of retrogrades for September and there will be outer planet retrogrades for 3 months (like there is half of the year).

Deciding to "give up and try to relax to the best of my ability for the rest of the year" is a tactic to let yourself off the hook and refuse to actively learn what the planetary cycles are teaching you.

You attempting to wait out cycles makes them infinitely harder.

If you need a break, take a break - but don't use the retrogrades as an excuse to stop you from taking aligned action.

Not sure what the aligned action IS?

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