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March 2024 Astrology and Daily Horoscope

March 2024 has a lot of unpredictable potential and clues are being revealed left and right. We have a Pisces stellium that creates sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and ends in the middle of a spicy eclipse season....

but navigating this energy is the first step toward starting the astrological new year and spring season 2024.

There is a ton of majorly valuable CLUES being revealed in your life right now and if you pay attention to it you can LAUNCH yourself forward this spring. Cycles are starting right now that are extremely potent and long-term - and I'll tell you why and how to navigate them in this Month's astrology overview. There is also a (semi) daily horoscope at the end. Yw.

The general overview is:

1. Pisces stellliums continue from February!

2. conjunctions with Saturn and then Neptune

3. sextiles from the Pisces season planets to Jupiter and Uranus

4. an eclipse toward the end of the month

At the beginning of the month, we will see Mars and Venus as the only stragglers left behind in Aquarius. They will enter Pisces on March 11 (Venus) and March 22nd (Mars). By the end of the month, we will see that Venus and Mars will lag behind in Pisces too, after the other planets (Sun, Mercury) have already entered Aries to create a pseudo-stellium (my word for a congregation of energy but happens to be non-planetary) including Chiron and the North Node.

Since the beginning of this year, there have been giant systems of planetary energy congregating in signs making repeated connections (kind of like a parade), really GRINDING and polishing thematic elements to help give us a bearing on where we are in life -- because it's been changing faster and faster and with the outer planets entering signs that are conducive to speed - Pluto into Aquarius, Uranus into Gemini, and Neptune into Aries. WELL we probably haven't seen anything yet... just wait until 2025 and 2026.

For example - during Aquarius season we had a parade of planets conjoining Pluto for the first time, first the Sun, then Mercury, then Mars, then Venus.

Then after the parade of Pluto conjunctions, we saw these planets all start to square Jupiter and Uranus. Some of the thematic elements at play were expansion of (Jupiter) loss (Pluto), anxiety (Pluto, Uranus, Mercury), relationships (Mars/Venus/conjunction), teamwork (Aquarius, Venus), unpredictability (Uranus), food/water/finances (Taurus), or systems (Aquarius).

Since nearly every planet was involved this could take shape in infinite ways.

During February, the thing that was coming up for us was Jeremy was very ill with the flu and then pneumonia ... the sickest he has been his entire life, he said. He missed work from February 2nd until February 26 (yes, in this economy - lol).

Now...Jeremy has had injuries before -- crushing his foot, cutting tendons, and even having a few stab wounds -- but illness hasn't been anything we've been that worried about - we are both lucky to boast good immune systems even as previous/newly quitting smokers.

The pile-up in Aquarius has shown us all something important in our lives - remember Pluto makes small things big and unable to be ignored.

What was it for you? Don't ignore it, disregard it as "nothing" much, or as too subtle. Something was going on in February that will inevitably turn out to be important -- mark my words, update your journal for reflection later, ladies and gentlemen.

Reminder: This period is *not* ending soon, so it's unlikely that whatever was going on for you SEEMS like it's a long-term big deal. We will have Pluto in Aquarius uncovering rot SLOWLY (like, at a glacial pace, the whole thing lasts 20 years) until September 2024, then a brief 2 months revisiting the Capricorn themes he's been molding since 2008 -- and then finally in November we'll fully enter our Aquarius Pluto future.

DISCLAIMER: This *DOES NOT* mean that this February's themes will be like the movie Groundhog's Day (great movie) on repeat for the next 20 years, or that if this was a challenging month it will be nothing but challenges for the next 20 years!) One of my content pillars is helping you to understand your place and role in a process unfolding, and that is *never* how we look at a "process unfolding" around here. There is no way for an entire process to be ALL bad or all challenging. There WILL be rewarding parts.

This has shown me that Saturn (ruler of Aquarius) is shining a light on his priorities for Pluto while he is in Aquarius. Check out the post in the comments titled Pluto is Deepening the Lessons [...] of Saturn.

This process will continue to unfold as Pluto has only JUST entered Aquarius, and each interaction he has with other planets through transit and in our own charts will continue to explain (through an archetypal expression) what the process unfolding IS.

The idea of health and Jeremy's wellness being a spotlight here is not something that I want to see expanded negatively, so I think the best thing for us to do is take this as a nudge to navigate the risk factors MATURELY and RESPONSIBLY (Saturn!).

That means (among other things such as Jeremy's health priorities and my role in supporting that potentially needing to be changed) a financial strategy has to change, because it's taking place in my 2nd house and Saturn rules my 1st and 2nd houses.

Here's an example of how this is playing out for a couple - My houses ruled by Saturn are Capricorn 1st house and Aquarius 2nd house. Jeremy's is Capricorn 6th and Aquarius 7th houses.

So my Saturn's priorities are maintaining my identity and the finances in light of any new development here - you can see how easily anxiety can seep in here with a planet like Pluto involved.

Jeremy's role is around his daily routines and health practices and his relationship with me or any other significant other's (potential business partners for example) that may come along in the next 20 years.

His Saturn's priorities are his routine and health and how he relates to me and his other special people in his life.

If I imagine myself (and you should imagine yourself too) receiving a lecture from the fatherly figure Saturn what is he giving you a fatherly lecture on?

My fatherly lecture sounds like this: "You're 32 and 39 Shanae. There is no way you two should be at this age in life, but not have things set in place to mitigate even a 3 week interruption in his income. I don't want to hear your excuses about stagnant wages, or saturation in a niche on the internet. You've made your life harder in these ways (as he's counting on his fingers) -- now you've got to have a plan to mitigate these risk factors. Do you want to be homeless again? Do you want to have to live on ramen which will further increase the health risk factors? Be smart, this isn't how I raised you. "

Share yours below if you're brave and not ashamed to show others that we're all working on stuff!

We (meaning me and Jeremy, but also YOU!) have ideas, so that is the best part! I have some of the clearest understanding of what we should be doing that I've had in years.

Aquarius is an air sign, and all air signs revolve around ideas and both their spread (communication, broadcasting) and their usage (through intellectual systems such as the internet, commerce routes, the nervous system, phone towers, satellites, etc, which Aquarius rules).

So all of the stuff that was going on in February raised some concerns, inevitably.

Extremely late in February, there was a very special alignment - a triple conjunction (already pretty rare) AND it was a cazimi which is a special name for a conjunction with the Sun but only when it is EXCEPTIONALLY exact - just shockingly rare, honestly.

Here is why this matters - Saturn + Mercury = delayed communication, blocked communication, responsible communication, frustrating miscommunication, delayed purchases, lost merchandise, etc (do you see the theme?)

Saturn + Sun - depression, increased responsibility, identifying with or feeling trapped by obligations, blocked creativity, an act of futility, identity being stifled (do you see the theme here?)

But when we put Saturn and Mercury and the perfect alignment to the Sun all together ...

our Mercurial Mind = our communication, understanding of something, and how we express that are all given divine guidance by the Sun during a cazimi.

Saturn is also receiving divine guidance by the Sun - as the Sun doesn't *really* take anyone else into consideration and his cazimi is one of the most important alignments any planet has over that year.

The Sun's priority is to help you SHINE individually -- to maximize your life force energy.

Saturn (as long as it doesn't interfere with his bigger priorities as the Ruler of certain parts of your chart with his own objectives to accomplish) is building in tenacity and a strong foundation. He is building it with responsibility and maturity - the stuff that legacies are made of.

This might sound dramatic, but if you're someone who is trying to accomplish things in your life I don't think you'll find this to be an exaggeration after the next 2 years:

the tectonic plates of your Pisces-themed area of life are shifting

there is likely a much deeper understanding of what is truly necessary to accomplish your goals in that place coming forward in your brain. You're starting to get it.

It's starting to click.

Where were you with this exact understanding, strategy, or expected trajectory in March of 2023? You are likely seeing now how your understanding that you're coming to in this Pisces house is going to build into something monumental in your life if you would just stay committed to it, and handle it responsibly with dedication.

Likely you've seen results (even if small) recently and those results WILL lead somewhere if you keep it up. I believe this because, since Saturn's entrance (March 2023) to the place Neptune has been since 2012, we've seen a sharpening of the metaphorical lens on the camera.

Where we have been confused but daydreaming about taking something seriously since long ago is becoming a very real frontier that we can traverse if we want it enough to keep working on it and taking the dedicated steps.

The reason that I spent so much time going over the very end of February and the themes that took place is because now all of those planets are making conjunctions with Saturn in Pisces -- just as we discussed the Sun+Mercury+Saturn conjunction above.

These planets are conjoining Saturn and receiving instructions from Saturn that will play out over the next 2 years - but will have lasting impacts, maybe even for the rest of your life - who knows what will be going on in your life in nearly 30 years.

Note: Saturn has 3 priorities - updating where he is transiting at any given time through hard lessons about responsibility and maturity, and for whatever is going on in the 2 houses he rules in your chart (Capricorn and Aquarius houses).

So Saturn's priorities will ALWAYS be my identity and my finances since I'm Capricorn rising -- but his activity is surrounding my Pisces house right now.

His activities in your life right now are in the Pisces-themed house - for me that is my 3rd house of communication, my thought processes, and my foundational education.

It's no surprise that I am reformatting my content to WORK for me, Saturn doesn't want me to quit this, he wants to make it SUSTAINABLE. How is that concept in play at your house/work/life/relationships?

Let's get into some nitty gritty bits.

March - March 1 - Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus - be on the lookout for an opportunity that could connect your Taurus and Pisces houses We're in the final stretch of Jupiter in Taurus, so how can you leverage the Sun's illuminating quality to your Taurus house? I recommend meditation, being in nature, intentional bathing, ritual, or (safe) plant medicine for piscean flavor.

March 3 - Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus - unpredictability in a Venusian fashion - could be dynamics between you and your partner, beauty topics, females in your life, or financially. I wouldn't buy anything related to these topics for a few days before and after this transit, as it's likely to have an unexpected element.

March 4 - Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus - a brilliant idea - could be something that changes your complete understanding of something, or a connection through a sibling or commerce (maybe you're in a store or market) and something just downloads straight into your brain or maybe theres something mercurial about your. interaction or encounter ...while these ideas and messages could be enlightening now there is confusion potential on the horizon

March 8 - Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces - anything involving Neptune is bound to be confusing - so not a great time for intellectual topics, or for making decisions that require clear thinking - a great time to work on an artistic project, meditating, or communicate with anyone across the veil or on another plane. I don't recommend you make any decisions for a few days surrounding this as you're likely to be lied to, have missing details, or things are embellished or fashioned to be delusional

March 9 - A lot going on today -- Mercury enters Aries, Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus - Mercury enters Aries where its a lot more comfortable - Aries is a fast-paced sign that Mercury can handle with no issues - there is more of a tendency to jump to conclusions, not think things through logically but you'll hopefully be able to start enacting a lot of your ideas that you've been having with that spark that Aries offers. Mars entering into a square with Uranus is not a transit that we like to see, generally. I am not a run-for-cover kind of astrologer, however, that does not mean that I will be taking extra unnecessary risks these days. I will be lying low, and staying in my lane, and that's good advice for anyone during Mars/Uranus aspects. You have a zero road rage tolerance around this day. It takes the unpredictability of Uranus and gives it an outlet that can be in the form of arguments, conflict, blood, accidents, sharps, and pain as well. Be careful in cars, on roads as a pedestrian, cooking, and working out. Injuries are a signature of these two planets. It could also just be that you've got an unexpected burst of energy or motivation, or perhaps something unique about a workout becomes something you are obsessed with.

March 10 - Pisces New Moon - be sure to join us for our first live event online here on Facebook! You can find the event and join so you'll be reminded. :) Pisces season is great for deciding what kind of daydreams we want to bring into the real world! With a new moon, we're always planting seeds and working toward their culmination 6 months later during the New Moon in the same sign. Come join us for discussions around the lunation itself, but also to integrate the lessons and officially plant those Piscesan seeds. You may look back and see that something is beginning for you, or you may not because it really might be that unseen at this point. Pisces is very deep and not very conspicuous.

March 11 - Venus enters Pisces **Eclipse season begins - "portal opens" (ugh i hate using that phrase but) - Venus is exalted here and we will likely see more compassion and empathy for others coming in as a theme. Venus loves being here, and will eventually sextile Jupiter in Taurus (her home sign) which will create opportunities to over-eat, overspend, and generally to be luxuriously persuaded. This is generally a good transit, just keep your spending and consumption in check! I suspect a good turnout for teamwork as long as there are boundaries in place for everyone to be valued and not exploited. You could hear whispers of winds of change coming - I like to consider the Moon leaving the sign of the previous lunation as the beginning of the eclipse season. In this case, the New Moon in Pisces yesterday and its entrance into Aries today marks the beginning of the season where "anything can happen". It ends on April 23rd.

March 17 - Sun in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces - PHEW a St Patty's Day Neptune + Sun conjunction? Be careful with alcohol around this day. Pisces may be known for it's association to day dreams, compassion, empathy and the boundryless merging of waters from far and wide --- but it also rules wine and booze, and other substances... it's also known for its association with hospitals, rehabs, and mental institutions. Don't let escaping create problems for you on this day. Know who you are! The archetype here is Foggy Day -- like the fog can't be dispelled by the Sun - the mist diffuses the Sun. Even if its brilliant white - you cant see a damn thing. It could be that you're not sure how something fits in with who you are as a person, and you'll be encouraged to investigate that. This "weather" will only last a few days before and after this, butI don't recommend making big decisions around this time if you can help it.

March 19 - Spring Equinox - Welcome to Aries season and happy birthday to the Aries friends. Aries season is represented by longer days, increasing energy, and initiation - as in beginning something new. The Sun entering Aries will only really make connections with Chiron and the North Node - something that we'll discuss in a few more days because this will mark a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. I have written about Chiron, if you'd like more information about that I'll leave the link to the article in the comments.

March 21 - Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces conjunct Saturn, Mercury conjunct Chiron - this energy is ... a lot. I hate to say that I am not thrilled to see all of these things going on at once. With the Sun newly in Aries, we are likely feeling some Spring fever. This is where we start to feel restless for spring to get here. The fire in the Aries element is very passionate. Sextiles are opportunities - but I don't know if an opportunity between conflict-driven, very feisty, accident-prone Mars and a penetrating, immolating, isolating, explosive, paranoid, and obsessive Pluto will be a good thing. Pisces Venus conjunct Saturn sounds like feeling blocked, or otherwise dampened by Saturn's ability to make everything feel like all work and no play. Venus wants fun and pleasure. But Saturn's here to help Venus establish boundaries (Saturn in Pisces), especially between people who are usually in a relatively harmonious partnership, or at the least one that feels worth working for. Eventually, Mars will come through and give us more drive and motivation to deal with many of these issues.

March 22 - Mars enters Pisces - Mars in Pisces doesn't necessarily jive well. Mar's priorities of fast, hot, "conflict is normal/natural" and fighting - even to the death for another human is not anything conducive to Pisces' goals -- empathy, beauty, escapism, boundary-less, compassion, dreamscapes, meditative states, isolation, separateness is an illusion... and so on and so on...not very Martian. Even though Mars is generally not exceptionally functional here, he gets by and enjoys the adaptability of Pisces at least. Expect more motivation to deal with things going on in the Pisces house in your chart, remembering that soon enough Mars will conjoin Saturn, which will likely bring a slow down of our motivation - so don't waste any motivation that you have on anything that isn't going to end up being a good use of your time -- especially if Saturn would think it was foolish! Remember what I said earlier about Saturn's priorities.

March 24 - Venus in Pisces Sextile Jupiter in Taurus - this is a great transit! Venus is in a place where she loves being, and ruled by Jupiter who is in Venus' home. This is called mutual reception (when two planets are in each other's ruled signs). I'd guess this is going to manifest in a way that is positive and even synchronistic with Pisces activating Jupiter in Venus' sign. I think that you'll see some examples of growth of beauty, harmony, teamwork, or some other type of togetherness, or perhaps more Taurus topics - food, home, pleasure, art, comfort, singing. If money were no object, I might consider a throat tattoo this day. I've always wanted one. You could see a great increase in your bank account or some access to a resource. I hope that it's good for you! If you remember, come back and tell me if you have any idea what popped up for you! Sometimes sextiles will arrive as opportunities, and if we don't take them we may never know what could have been.

March 25 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra - be sure to grab your reminder notification by joining the event for this full moon live virtual event. We will be grounding and integrating the unpredictable energy that is unfolding every six months with newish eclipses in the Aries/Libra axis in our chart. I am interested in seeing how this plays out as someone who was heavily affected by the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses that happened during the last cycle. We have only had a couple of eclipses in this series so far, so each eclipse offers a LOT more clarity on the previous one's events. Since they're so unpredictable it doesn't make sense to make a horoscope for it - but I will say that there will certainly be a post about this in the future.

March 28 - Venus in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus - this one could be an unpredictable purchase - depending on the house it occurs in, it could be a repair or some other type of unexpected expense. It could also be getting a wild hair and deciding you know what - NOW is the time that I'm going to finally do that thing I've been too nervous to do with my hair. Uranus can create anxiety though, so if you're feeling anxious about a relationship in your life, to your feminine energy, your partner, or your bank account ... this could just be a manifestation of that nervous energy. Don't make any rash decisions that are permanent until this time frame passes a bit ... and better yet see how you end up faring when Mars comes through this same spot in April. This may related thematically to the Mars in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus on March 9.

Well folks, I know this one was quite long -- thank you for coming to the end of this post. I hope that you found it to be helpful and grounded in reality enough that you will see this process unfolding for what it is - simply a new development in the story of your life.

The plot thickens.

Hopefully you know by now you can pay me. 😁💰 I'd love to sit down with you and discuss March or even the rest of the year with you.

Welcome to the end of winter - see you around!

xx shanae

Links: Pluto is deepening

Pisces New Moon Event

Libra Full Moon Eclipse Event




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