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Now that Saturn is moving into Pisces what did he do in Aquarius for you?

The rigidity of how I approach life and what I expect from it has been wholely dysfunctional and it CAUSED AN ABSOLUTE MESS. 🗑

1. What house in your chart is ruled by Aquarius? I recommend you look at whole sign and placidus.

2. What placements do you have in Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and Leo and which houses are they in

3. What are the keywords for those houses

4. Where have you experienced delay and challenge and eventually a changed understanding from 2020 until now?

For me it seemed the "absolutely mess" culminated with my Saturn return by sign - but it really started at the Saturn Square

and that has also coincided pretty closely to the last Jupiter cycle starting with Jupiter in Aries (time frame: 2010-2023).

Isolation was *such a thing* for me in 2022 - MORE THAN EVER before

but it really *began* to build toward intensity around Summer time of 2021

(or did it? Never 100% sure - some threads are longer than you think).

I felt as far unaligned as I have ... maybe ever in my entire life.


For me there has been 'a coming to' my understanding of my relationship to words like:











Some of these are because *it's Saturn*.

Some of these are because *it's Aquarius* and

Some of these are because *it's in my 2H*.

And all together - the life experience I've had over the last 2.5 years - that lead to a lot of upheaval in my life can be described astrologically as

*Transit Saturn conjunct natal Saturn in the Aquarius 2nd house* square transit NN, Uranus conjunct natal Sun in the Taurus 5th house square natal Jupiter 8th house and natal Moon, Pluto, MC in the 11th house

Wow, a lot of moving parts, huh.

Here's the thing - it's a lot of moving parts because I have this grand cross in the fixed signs in my chart

so when a transit pings one, it pings them all. This is how aspect patterns work and why they're so important to understand and analyze.

For everyone, there is always tension between your 2H, 8H, 5H, and 11H. It's built in to the themes of every natal chart. It's part of the map.

Philosophically - your earned income, hobbies, partners resources, debts and interest, and your social and networking community's priorities all clash and clang.

It takes an energetic effort to balance and create harmony in these areas - for everyone!

The above Saturn transit aspects is just an example from my chart.

You might have planets in the 1st and 4th showing a dynamic of tension between your body or self image and your home environment or parents.

You might have planets in your 6th and 9th showing a dynamic of tension between your daily routine and your belief systems or education.

You might have planets in your 3rd and 6th showing a dynamic of tension between your thoughts or idea expression and your coworkers - it's easy to get along with the boss - but your peers not so much or vice versa.

The combinations are vast. But the point remains - when slow moving transits ping your natal planets and aspect shapes you experience periods of thematic shift.

What I had prior to Saturn's return was a lack of understanding in these areas and a lack of proper sustainable foundations - and he showed me through my created environment so I could become aware of it (everyone experiences this to some degree around age 29).

But no matter your age, some of these thematic elements are shifting completely and some of them are continuing with differing degrees of intensity.

Related themes to the other chapters of this story are connected to the trine and square aspects of a few planetary transits in the past and coming up.

The squares to your Aquarius house have been hammered recently - natal fixed sign planets in Taurus Leo and Scorpio are all nearly completely installed with "new software" from the transit Saturn in Aquarius update - at like - 98% now.

If this is pinging your fixed placements, know that you ARE strong and tenacious even if you don't feel like it or if you feel tired from all this heavy lifting.

ADVICE FOR FIXED PLACEMENTS(probably good for everyone over the next 20 years):

Don't ask to be given patience or strength - EVER.

Be grateful for every chance to recieve in open channels.

Live like things will inevitably work out and there's no reason it can't start right now.

Choose the better self fulfilling prophecy.

Don't worry - you have the tools to integrate the next business.

Here's a look at the most recent software updates the Cosmos has uploaded to your consciousness and skills.

Software installed:

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

Saturn in Aquarius Conjunct late Capricorn Pluto

Saturn in Aquarius Trine Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse Cycle

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

These transits have taught us each in their own way a story of rigidity and expectation, of fear and manifestation, of physical creations and our emotional security, our nervous systems have adapted that much more to our increasingly tech oriented lives.

But like we've been saying - a major shift is coming in March and over the spring - and I'm so thankful to have a heads up.

My entire identity is likely to be rewritten over the next decade (especially) through a feeling of conflict between my Natal Saturn in Aquarius square my Natal Sun, Natal Moon and opposing Jupiter.

(again? Well - not again. Just deeper.)

But I also am going to "move on" with my life in other ways. I'm obviously not going to spend 60 hours a week dealing with an identity crisis.

I've got a primer in identity crisis 101 already from Saturn (your experience may differ - astro is incredibly personal) so I have a tool belt for this now. Better foundations. Stronger willpower and systems.

There will be times where it will feel darker. It might feel scary and I might feel alone, continuing toward more isolation and cut off from my inner glow - detached from my spark. But I will have these foundational understandings now.



An intensification of the themes that we've been focused on for the last 2.5 years - but for the next 20 years...

Pluto is power, corruption, fear of what could be lurking, exposing rot, and transformation.

And where youve experienced activation over the last 3 years in your Aquarian area of life is shifting in March of 2023 toward this deepening of commitment toward Aquarian cleansing.

I'm thinking of Jenner in the walking dead talking about setting the air on fire - so hot there's no pain - just death.

Sorry - I hope I'm not over-selling it. 😬🤪

Here's the vibe:

Saturn's leaving Aquarius - this is going to feel like some kind of burden is lifted. You finally are experiencing an unlock in the grid of your life that's been holding you back. This feeling could last for you - I'm not trying to sell you dystopia - it depends on your specific chart.

Even though you're emotions are being tested, fortified, and refined through the subsequent Saturn in Pisces time frame, you're feeling significantly better about your Aquarian aspect of life at least - check your house for the life themes.


You know how they say when the cats away the mice will play? - what you mousies dont realize is the cat installed a nanny cam and now it knows where you live and what you do when you think no ones watching.

Pluto is doing Saturn's bidding - stilllllllll. He has been since 2008 - but now Saturn's priorities have changed.

It's going to be uncovered - one might even say excavated over the next 20 years what final transformation - FINAL SYSTEM upgrade - for the Aquarian area of our life was really about.

Do not underestimate the power of this.


Certain aspects of this transit will feel like they had a very fast resolution - even though you waited for them for a long while. Those are probably related to Saturn in Aquarius moving to Pisces.

Something(s) will suddenly be solved in the month of March - certainly by the end of April through the all planets direct phase. You might already know about them, you might not.

But there is this underlying fortification and like ... chemical-fire cleansing that is taking place that you can't really see yet.

If you have fixed placements you'll be experiencing this intensely at times. I'm sorry there's no other way to say it. But keep reading because the good news is that much of the intensity is forecasted - so you can ride the wave informed.

For me there will be a prolonged story with many moving parts that are all relevant in increasing and decreasing importance, relevance, and activity.

I know it will involve:

Pluto Keywords: abuse, power, manipulation, elimination, decay, death/rebirth/transformation, envy, obsession, intensity, resentment, transmutation

My emotional security especially in a community or network - Scorpio Moon in 11H

My ego and identity- Taurus Sun, Leo Jupiter

My abundance and growth in ownership or usage of other's capital and resources - Jupiter in 8th House

My boundaries, cash flow and earned income, and desires - Saturn in 2H

My interests hobbies and talents and recognition - Taurus Sun in 5H

I may see, feel, or somehow experience a rumbling of some combination of these or similar themes erupting into my life between spring and summer of 2023.


Pluto doesn't leave a sign permanently without there being an integration period. This occurs when Pluto paces back and forth over the sign boundary.

Between now and 2024 we will see Pluto introduce us to new themes and then return to Capricorn to complete the process of the 'update' of that area of life.

Pluto will not return to this area of your chart again in your lifetime after 2024 or 25, so it's long lasting to say the least.

One thing I've realized so far, and it must seem so incredibly naieve to some, is that knowing about transits doesn't make you exempt from them.

Even though I know about Pluto square my Sun and Moon I will still go through the drama of the update. I will still feel the emotion and the frustration and the shock.

We will feel the stinger, but we will also know that we have the choice to choose...

Remember what YOU have control over:

which options are you choosing to persevere with

How are you choosing to experience this energy through your expectations

Feeling your feelings accurately, expressly, and constructively

I think I'd like to also add:

making your goal to be

1. being decisive but responsive (vs reactive)

2. detached from the process (Aquarius) and more open to/attracted to the outcome

3. Less identified with the emotions, wealth, income, resources, and with less focus on emotional control or property/belongings (Scorpio/Taurus axis) or your place in the group (Leo/Aquarius axis)

Inevitably I will keep talking about this shift for awhile, but you see the potential for unique experiences is infinite.

This is the exact kind of thing I help people decipher in their lives with in my 1-1 Programs.

If you're a spiritual entrepreneur, practical mystic, or analytical witch give me a shout so we can discuss how knowing the cosmic cycles will help you navigate life's challenges with confidence and clarity.

Know where you can expect shifts and changes and where you can feel confident in putting down roots.

If you are ready to start seeing your past for what it was - an expression of a quality of time and your reaction to it - so you can start making the most out of your talents, gifts and start shifting your challenges into fuel you can work with me in these ways:

🥠Individual consultations sold hourly - great to have an initial conversation about your natal chart aspects so you can get a birds eye view and then drill down deeper on specific topics in subsequent consultations - similar structure to therapy (but not therapy, I am not a therapist).

🥨30 day intensive - get to the end result faster - great for high performers who have time freedom and know this investment will allow them to work on their emotional and intellectual skills so they can start using this in their life as soon as possible

🧇 3 month Seasonal program - experience a full season of applying and integrating your emotional and intellectual skills with a longer support container so you can apply your astrological understanding to your life more strategically

If you're ready to get a deeper handle on how you can forecast the quality of time in your life then send me a message and we will figure out the best fit for you.

💫 thanks for being here today!



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