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How I Quit Smoking with Astrology: Understanding Planet Cycles for Health Habits

Astrologer writing natal chart on wooden desk showing a cancer sun aspecting another planet with a sextile near a mercury square another planet
Astrologer writing natal chart

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In April 2020, I quit smoking. When I tell people that I did this during one of the most stressful times in modern history, they're usually shocked.

But this wasn’t my first attempt to quit smoking. In fact, I had tried just 6 months earlier, only to give in. So, why did it work this time? The answer lies in my astrological chart—specifically in my 6th house, which governs health, daily routines, and habits.

The placement of Venus in my 6th house of health in April 2020 was the key to finally breaking my smoking habit. As I looked deeper into the astrological placements from that time, I noticed something striking: Venus was in Gemini, the same sign it had been in when I successfully quit another habit—soda—in 2019.

I didn’t realize it back then, but I had been quitting these habits during important Venus transits in my 6th house. When Venus is in Gemini in my chart, it seems to trigger a readiness to address my health and daily routines. In 2020, Venus spent an unusually long time in Gemini due to a retrograde, giving me multiple chances to make big changes—first with smoking, then with my social media use, and even cutting back on unhealthy drinks.

So, was quitting smoking "easy"? Not exactly, but astrology gave me the awareness and the timing to make it happen.

Does this mean everyone can use astrology to quit habits? Maybe… and maybe not. Venus doesn’t sit in everyone’s 6th house of health, but that’s where astrology can get personalized. Everyone’s chart is unique, and we can explore what’s going on in your 6th house—or any other area of life you’re focused on improving.

By looking into your chart, we can pinpoint the times when the stars might align for you to tackle your habits, improve your daily routines, or focus on your health. It’s like having a cosmic map for personal growth.

A happy woman smiling holding flowers in front of a blue sky
A happy woman holding flowers in front of a blue sky

I had tried 6 months previously (we're gonna get to that in a minute...) and picked a cig back up for literally no reason. I literally just said "fuck it." My journal entry from this time says, "I don't know why."

This was 6 days before my birthday—(WHO CHOOSES TO QUIT SMOKING RIGHT BEFORE THEIR BIRTHDAY? Who wouldn't just WAIT??) I was turned down for a job I thought I REALLY wanted, but I stuck it out even though it was REALLY hard during that time. (Future Edit; And, my husband didn't given up cigs until he got terrible pneumonia in 2024!)

So why did it finally stick in April 2020?

I started digging into the astrology of it, because—why not? Turns out, Venus was in Gemini in my 6th house of health, daily routines, and habits. When Venus hangs out in my 6th house, it lights up all my health and habit triggers.

But the kicker? Venus in Gemini gave me THREE chances. This only happens once every 8 years, people. And, for me, it was a game changer.

Over the course of April to August 2020, Venus retrograded and crossed over my natal Venus three times, giving me the perfect opportunity to finally quit smoking, along with Arnold Palmer Zero (which I used to wean off soda) and even my social media addiction. Who knew quitting habits was in the stars?

So, can you use Venus quitting with astrology?

Maybe… and maybe not. Astrology is complex, and not everyone has Venus in their 6th house of health. But what we can do is explore your chart and find out which cycles and transits are happening in your houses—especially the ones connected to health, routines, and habits.

When I became aware of this, I realized how lucky I was that Venus was spending so much time in Gemini, especially in my 6th house of health. The retrograde gave me three chances to make these big shifts, and I took them.

This isn’t something that happens often. Venus only retrogrades in Gemini like this once every 8 years, which meant this was a rare window of opportunity for me to change my habits and routines. And, I’m happy to say, it worked.

A shadow of flowers on a plain white wall backdrop
A shadow of flowers on a plain white wall backdrop

But does this mean astrology can help YOU quit smoking, too?

Well, maybe! Venus doesn’t sit in everyone’s 6th house of health, but that’s where astrology can get personalized. Everyone’s chart is unique, and we can explore what’s going on in your 6th house—or any other area of life you’re focused on improving.

By looking into your chart, we can pinpoint the times when the stars might align for you to tackle your habits, improve your daily routines, or focus on your health. It’s like having a cosmic map for personal growth.

So, why astrology?

For me, it’s a tool to help understand timing and opportunity. Astrology isn’t a magic wand that makes things happen, but it helps me see when the energy is aligned to support certain actions—like quitting smoking, changing routines, or focusing on health.

When Venus was moving through my 6th house, it wasn’t a coincidence that I felt empowered to tackle these big habits. It was as if the universe was giving me the momentum I needed, and I’m so glad I paid attention.

Astrology helps you move with the current, instead of swimming against it.

You might not have Venus in your 6th house, but we can explore what’s going on in your chart that could give you the same kind of boost—whether it’s related to health, work, relationships, or any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Astrology shows us when the right times are to act and how to align with those opportunities.

Does this mean you have to wait for the "perfect" astrological moment to make changes? Nope! It’s not about waiting for the stars to do the work for you. It’s about understanding the energies at play so that you can use them to your advantage when the timing feels right.

For me, understanding that Venus was making moves in my 6th house gave me the awareness to act when the energy supported it. But it didn’t mean I sat around waiting for the stars to magically make me stop smoking. I put in the effort—it was just that the effort felt more aligned during that time.

So, if you’ve been struggling to make changes in your health, habits, or routines—or any other area—you don’t need to feel stuck. Astrology gives us a roadmap to find the right timing and opportunities.

You don’t have to do it blindly.

A husband places his hands over his wifes eyes while she smiles expecting a surprise
A husband places his hands over his wifes eyes while she smiles expecting a surprise

Astrology doesn’t just help with health and habits—it’s a tool for growth in any area of your life. Whether it’s relationships, career, emotional processing, or personal development, astrology offers insight into when and how to move forward.

And let’s face it: life can feel like a mess sometimes. We’ve all been there, swimming upstream, feeling like no matter what we do, things just aren’t clicking. That’s where astrology steps in—it helps us understand what’s blocking us and when the best time is to push through.

So, if you feel like you’re constantly running into brick walls in some part of your life—whether it’s your health, your job, or even your relationships—it’s worth diving into your chart. Maybe it’s time to figure out why you’ve been hitting those walls and how to finally move past them.

You’d be surprised how much clarity astrology can offer.

At the end of the day, astrology is a tool for self-awareness and growth. It’s not about fate or destiny deciding everything for you; it’s about understanding the cycles, patterns, and energies that can support your journey.

When I quit smoking in 2020, it wasn’t just about astrology—it was about awareness. It was about recognizing that the timing was right, aligning my efforts with the energy in the sky, and making real, intentional changes.

And that’s what I want to offer to you: the chance to explore your chart, figure out what’s happening in your sky, and use that awareness to make lasting changes in your own life.

Astrology won’t do the work for you—but it’ll show you the roadmap. And once you see that, you’ll stop feeling like you’re stumbling in the dark.

Ready to make real changes in your health and daily routines?

In my Live Individual Consultations, we dive into your chart to explore whatever is coming up for you at the moment—whether that’s health, habits, relationships, or any other area of life. If you’re ready to take control of your health and align with the stars, we’ll work together to find the perfect timing for personal growth.

Book a Live Individual Consultation to explore your chart, discover your strengths, and move forward with clarity. If you want to dive even deeper, check out my 5-Pack Live Individual Consultations for ongoing support as you navigate your personal journey.

You can view all of my services here.



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