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Saturn Direct Horoscopes 2023-2024

A Turtle wearing a flower bouquet asking for money
A Turtle wearing a flower bouquet asking for money

Saturn Direct Horoscopes: Lol @ all the "I am your long lost father" posts from different accounts. SATURN is waking up I see. He stations direct on November 4.

He will spend nearly a month stationed at 0⁰ of Pisces but by the beginning of the year you'll likely have less delays in whatever area of your life has felt stagnant from a Piscean perspective - but remember Saturn brings challenge.

You'll need to have an integration period and since Saturn will be in Pisces for 2 more years don't rush the process.

(Read one sign behind yours too so you can see what this Saturn transit is leading you toward in 2 years! Ex; Aries rising read Pisces, Taurus read Aries, Gemini read Taurus....)

Choose your rising sign:

ARIES: expect a shift in your mental health and if you've felt rather isolated or hermited you'll probably feel more ease in that regard. Having Saturn in the 12th is creating the mental fortitude to withstand his ingress into the 1st house of identity. If you don't have the ability to stand firm in your separation from society you'll have a hard time establishing the identity that the rest of your life rests upon

TAURUS: if you're feeling like your extended network has been a bit unresponsive that should subside soon. Your extended networks job is to support you publicly. I always liken this to a church congregation. While they have their own lives - the people in a congregation are a support system for you. This is exactly the role of these people - they're not meant to do anything else. They're not your family, siblings, or your close coworkers. They're your extended network and when you need support and referrals they'll come in for you. That's what you're building over this time period. Don't worry if people see themselves out or if your network shrinks. Saturn moving direct can enact his priorities and a shitty network that does nothing for you isn't supportive - so it's gotta go.

GEMINI: career and reputation matters are going to pick back up. Whatever you're doing in respect to your life's work is very important in this time frame. Pace yourself and stay grounded in your production of it. When Saturn transits the 10th you'll see some of the most notable career changes. Sometimes they come feeling like bad things like getting laid off or fired or through conflict with authority. Saturn is just redirecting you.

CANCER: your philosophy about life may have been tested recently or perhaps there were delays with things related to your higher education. Expect that things related to these topics or distant travel to ease up. Maybe you'll decide you need deeper education, or some foreign entity will be of support. It could be that you find a religion that helps you feel grounded or secure in your world view that allows you to be much more effective out in the world.

Leo: Saturn in the 8th can be difficult to describe. There may be a mental and emotional health aspect to it, but it might also be more material. Perhaps your partner wasn't able to provide as much to you (or you to them) in the past few months whether emotionally or financially. If your experience was more internal expect to integrate your fears into your life more. Either way the boundaries and foundations of your energetic exchange are becoming transformed

VIRGO: your relationships have started to be tested and over the next couple years you will start to confirm whether you're committed to them through stress tests. As Saturn transits back and forth you may take a stance on your relationship for good...are you dedicated to making it work?

LIBRA: luckily your routines are receiving the Saturnian upgrade and if you take the time to be sure that the things you spend your time on lead you to where you want to go than this time period will create the long lasting foundation for the next 30 years of your life. However if you do not take this seriously and try to ignore the compounding affect of routine on your health, work, and environment you'll end up going nowhere. Not to be dramatic but I would take this very seriously over the next 2 years.

SCORPIO: while anywhere that Saturn goes will have challenge, having him in the 5th house means that you're getting more serious about building the foundations of what is pleasurable to you - what brings you joy, how you stand out and even the relationships that you have with fundamental people on your life like your children and love partners are getting a serious makeover. Over these 2 years you can know that any attention you give to pleasure will be cemented into place as a valuable lifestyle component

SAGITTARIUS: your home, security, and emotional connection to family is very important to you and the drive to make this area of your life unshakeable is a key component to the next 2 years. Whatever your goals are for creating the foundation that allows the rest of your life to sprout is supported right now so don't sleep on them. If it feels like your reputation and career are at odds with this task that is normal. Navigate it with priority and responsibility to your private life.

CAPRICORN: as a Saturn ruled sign your ruler stationing direct and retrograde is even more notable. This is taking place in your foundational education. You're going through the process of learning something to the degree that you can effectively communicate about it. They say the best way to learn something is to teach someone else about it. If you're not sure what you're supposed to be talking about look towards what you're finding enjoyment in reading, what your friends and siblings bring up to you, and what you feel drawn instinctually to learn.

AQUARIUS: as a Saturn ruled sign your ruler stationing direct and retrograde is even more notable. Your finances are very important right now and if you think things are gonna financially fall into your lap over the next 2 years or that you can just "work on your scarcity mindset" and that will solve all your problems I'm sorry to say that's highly unlikely. At this point in your life you're creating financial foundations around earning your money that will be with you for the next 30 years. Earning money doesn't HAVE to be hard - but you still must earn it. Your values could also be changing. If your money was leaking out locate the hole and damn it up by integrating a responsible plan to manage it.

PISCES: this time period will be about defining who you see in your minds eye when you think of YOU. Do you see someone totally capable, responsible and hard working? Do you see someone who effortlessly accomplishes xyz? Do you have a self perception and self concept that is do negative that you're almost debating starting over completely and building it out from the ground up? Build that pyramid through reinvention that is aligned with who you truly are. Since Neptune has been transiting your 1st house since 2012 it's been easy to be lost and confused about who you actually see yourself as and what that means for you out in the world. Know that decisions you make now about who you are are long lasting. Make sure they're aligned with your true soul desires.

Best of luck everyone. Tell me - what has been going on from March of this year for you?

How does this time period compare from around March 11 until around June 17 and how does it feel from June until now?



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