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GROWING THE FK UP and The Saturnian Process. Read this for yourself and your kids!

đŸȘâœ” Did you know that around age 30 (27-32, depending on how you define it) you have something called the Saturn Return? Even if you're not near 30 this process can help you understand your past to live better in the now.

Keep reading friends of all ages.

If you were born in the early 90s you likely had an Aquarius Saturn. Lucky for you Saturn is finishing the last degrees of Aquarius between now and March, which means Pisces Saturn's born in the mid 90s are on deck.

No matter your age, if you have Pisces placements, prepare to be wrangled in some way - prioritizing tactical life structures, personal and professional standards, and long term growth especially in ways you've previously been careless or immature.

If you have Aquarian placements you will inevitably be able to look back between December 2020 until now (March) and see and describe where you matured.

Usually during Saturn connections (especially during the return) Saturn will test the foundation of your life in some way.

💋 If you're relying on luck, good looks, or relying on someone else to do what Saturn considers your responsibility and tasks then he will poke and prod at that system until it comes crashing down. This sucks for you and other people.

This doesn't mean delegating is bad - it is GOOD and Saturn approved, but you can't be delegating "incorrectly" - mostly meaning injustly, manipulatively, out of sloth, inferiority, or fear.

This process typically has some kind of intensity around the time of Saturn's exact return to your natal Saturn, but anytime Saturn is making connections to your personal points will be a time period of marked adjustment toward Saturnian compliance.

The Saturn Return process shows distinct periods to reflect on to better understand "the process" and see how you may be affected in your next time frame:

1. The waxing Saturn square - around 7 years old

2. The waxing Saturn trine - around 10 years old

3. The waxing inconjunction - around 12

4. The Saturn Opposition- around 14

5. The waning inconjunction - around 16

6. The waning Saturn trine - around 18

7. The waning Saturn Square - around 21

8. The waning Saturn sextile - around 23

9. The waning Saturn semisextile - around 25

10. The Saturn Return â„ąïž - around 27-32

Just kidding about the TM but this is a really big deal in a persons path to adulthood. The story has ups and downs like this - ă€°ïžă€°ïžă€°ïžă€°ïž.

You're continuously going through this process - around every 2-3 years you enter into a new phase in the process.

To complete the cycle just add in the additional parts of the process that come after the return (auto correct turned that into torture 🙃😆).

11. The waxing Saturn semisextile

12. The waxing Saturn sextile

13/1. The waxing Saturn square

The process of experiencing the waxing aspects leading toward the opposition (or the "Full Moon" of Saturn aspects) to the waning aspects, and finally the return brings us on a journey of learning what it means to

be a contributing part of society and how to be responsible for our existance and experience.

One cycle of this takes đŸ„- 30 years!

After you turn 30 you'll be amending the processes and belief structures in your life in a repeating cycle. Youll have a 2nd return just before 60 and a 3rd around 90.

As long as you're the average upstanding citizen who wants to do better for yourself and everyone else you're likely on a path toward an easier 2nd time around - but don't get it flipped there will still be hard work for just rewards.

📱 Here's what the Saturnian Process looks like in action:

Around 7 years old we have an experience. One (or more) that completely alters how we interact with people and how we believe the world works.

Being 7 is weird. You spend your time thinking about how the world works and trying to navigate it. You take most things very literally. You have expectations that are based in fantasy.

When I was 7 I was worried there was going to be a famine and I would have to live off grass. I know this isn't fantasy for some and it's a valid fear or concern but at 7? Grass??

Often times an authority figure like a father/grandfather, teacher/principal, or agency (DSS, CPS, corporation etc) permanently changes how you function, feel, or navigate the world -- thus changing the way you create structures in your life and you grow into a student, adolescent, and employee/employer.

After that time frame you start generally hitting a stride. You're becoming more capable. You start to understand sarcasm and humor. During the Saturn trine you're more likely to be vibing - more at an up turn of the ă€°ïžă€°ïžă€°ïž. You're still learning a LOT.

Then Saturn enters the inconjunction where Saturn in the sky isn't really communicating with Saturn in your chart.

Depending on how prickly and sensitive your chart is, you might keep vibing for awhile but during this transit Saturn is working in the background to arrange what's up next in the story of you following the Saturnian process.

It starts to feel more uncomfortable around the Saturn Opposition. There is no coincidence that we start valuing our freedom more at this time in our lives - the rebellion that teenagers are known for can be seen a few places in the sky.

During this time Saturn is in its "Full Moon" position. This is uncomfortable because this is at the half way point in the Saturn process. This is the point of no return.

After this there is no way to return to childhood. This is a culmination of immaturity (not in a bad way, just in a literally lacking life experience to be mature way).

Most 14 year olds don't see their immaturity because they are blinded by the new responsibilities that are coming their way.

📜 🧐 A new responsibility does not always a mature boy make.

We start exploring driving with our elder friends - which we think are soooo mature, going places with friends unsupervised.

Having adult motivations- and I don't just mean


I also mean about









physical and emotional intimacy.

At this age we start getting more responsibility. Some get jobs and make money. Some join groups to advance in university or professional spheres like sports, debate, music or community service.

Some are already integral structures in their family unit whether financially, or physically responsible for adult tasks like child care.

Uranus in the sky is also making its waxing square aspect at this time heightening the teenage necessity to be independent, free, making mistakes by trying new things, trying new personalities on, and demanding more privacy to sort these new dynamics out.

The waning inconjuction is a time of integration.

Here we see the 16ish year olds making choices that are leading up to their complete independence with real world consequences.

Around this time the adults in the lives of these nearing adulthood people start to expect them to be mature but more specifically act mature and make mature choices - and that seems to heighten the disappointment when they make mistakes.

As quietly as he built the circumstances that led up to the "Full Moon" Saturn opposition, now here in the chart he is quietly testing the implementation of the new structures and foundations in the waning inconjunction....

But first! Around 18 we are celebrating 🎆. We are congratulating. We are planning and dreaming, and emancipating.

It's the waning Saturn trine. Around this time Saturn is very proud of you (so long as you've done the work, obv).

Remember this time period comes after the "Full Moon" Saturn so this time period has a vibe of tying things up, and moving on to something new.

Its moving in to adult hood and for some it looks like dorm rooms or the work force but either way near complete freedom.

Its also a sudden removal of expectation and rules from their previously extremely structured, curfewed, and school day scheduled lives.

This is fun at first but eventually the lack of structured expectations can mean we fall into doing things that get us nowhere as Saturn let's you rest.

But believe me - he's not doing nothing.

You should enjoy this time and encourage your youthful compadres to (reasonably) enjoy this time too, but remember that all parties have to be cleaned up, and eventually it will be time to "go back to work". 🏗

The waning Saturn square around 21 is often when we start to experience loss, confusion, frustration and disorientation.

If we haven't been following this process and life feels random (like most people who don't follow time cycles) or we got pretty far put of line during the easier times (trines) this feels like a huge shock wave to the entire system that is our lives.

A decidedly down part on the ă€°ïžă€°ïžă€°ïžă€°ïž.

This can be getting more responsibility at a job and experiencing the stark difference of school and work. On pain scale of 1 to 5 maybe 2.

It can feel worse.. what we expected to last is cut short. What we thought we wanted isn't even what we thought we had and now we don't know what we have or want but we know we want our mommy 😭. On the pain scale 5/5.

For me it felt like my entire life was on fire at this time - but I also had Pluto approaching my Ascendent 😳😖. Remember other things are happening simultaneously in THEIR own time cycles in your chart too. This is what helps time have a bouquet of 💐 experiences available to you.

During the 3 years that this is happening we are likely just coping with our problems as best we can. We might even be in denial about our role in it, and our reactions or resolutions might be completely born out of damage control vs choosing what's truly best for us, or what is the best move for our long term goals.

If you're going through this now (21-23ish probably) try to watch out for these things:

Numbing with alcohol and/or drugs/sex

Attaching to (especially new) individuals

Self worth based on what you do for others or placing (any) stock in how others see you

Letting others take care of you financially, academically, etc

Saturn's motto is "hard now means easy later and easy now means hard later".

The next aspect is the waning sextile. A sextile is always an opportunity, and at this time you have the option to take a select few opportunities that are Saturn approved and maybe even hand picked. They're not limitless but they're quality. They likely have a decent amount of work attached, but they're worth while. đŸ†™ïžđŸ’—đŸ„‡

By the time you complete the Saturn return you may not be using or participating in that opportunity anymore, but it will likely become something that defined that era.

Whatever you're doing before you turn 30 will be seen as the backdrop for the funeral of your youth. đŸȘŠ

I mean that in the best way possible. I do not glorify youth - no surprise there as a Capricorn rising.

During the Saturn return you'll most definitely see themes of the house he resides in natally highlighted. In these areas Saturn will continue to "make*" things worse and worse for you until you learn the fucking lesson.

*I do not believe in causation, I believe in correlation. I'm just using this as a figure of speech.

Over about 3 years you will find the mature version of you. Youll figure out your dreams, your more self oriented goals, how you want to spend your time and hopefully realistic tactics to reach your objectives.

Some people are really dense and they need to be pounded with their lessons until they're bloody and their [house theme eg. finances, marriage, self esteem etc] is on life support.

Some people get it right away. Those people likely have opportune charts for Saturn (unlike my grand fixed cross between Saturn Jupiter Sun and Moon and cardinal T square between Saturn Mercury Mars).

Perhaps they're less stubborn than my stubborn ass. 🙃

The Saturn return is a great way to start seeing a process play out in your life.

Look back on your life and create a timeline. What happened over the years that *really* mattered up until now? Go back as far as you can honestly.

Being even mildly informed about your chart leaves you 100x better off than listening to general forecasts on youtube, or doing nothing to keep track of time.

I recently figured out my current goal and that is to help people learn from their past so they can live better in the present and build a supportive and exciting future for themselves.

If you want to talk through this process or get a hold on where Saturn will be going through your chart in 2023 send me a DM so we can talk about it. Watching the Saturn cycle is one of my fave things to do.

I'm trying to do 100 consults in 2023, so you should get on my list to help me reach that goal. 😎 👀 It's very reasonable and it's very YOU focused.



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