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Taurus Scorpio Eclipse Season Closure

Snowy trees, gray sky and dusty snow covered ground
Snowy trees, gray sky and dusty snow covered ground

Hi friends. Here's my semi-annual eclipse season update.

How you doing? We're nearly through eclipse season, but eclipse events don't always happen the day of, so keep on your toes for a little while longer.

The frustration that we feel at the beginning of the eclipse process is unmatched because these are some of the most unpredictable and chaotic feeling events and unlike even a retrograde cycle with multiple passes these last for 2 years with peaks and valleys of activation.

1. The Cruel Cruel Venus Retrograde Summer has completed... but in some ways is still on going, isn't it? While that resolution is finally coming for some, its changes are semi- permanent That's because of 2 things -

1. Leo is half way between the eclipse axis we've been going through over the last 2 years - i'll include the dates later in the post - and

2. as the ruler of both eclipses that are taking place in October she is a main character, and since Virgo is the next zodiac sign after Leo her job is to integrate the Leo archetypes that Venus was participating in during her retrograde. Her position in Virgo is supportive to the changes that have been taking place in the Taurus house of the chart which she also rules.

It's always the next sign's job to integrate what the previous sign's priorities were, and the signs that the ruler of the eclipse rules are usually involved archetypally.

For a refresher the dates of Venus' Summer Leo Tour were: June 6 - Venus enters Leo June 20 - Venus enters Shadow July 23 - Venus Retrograde begins September 3 - Venus Direct October 7 - Venus exits Shadow October 10 - Venus exits Leo/enters Virgo

Here's how it worked out for me as an example case:

June 6 - Venus enters Leo - feeling frustrated with my social isolation. Feeling very cooped up and limited by my current work schedule/lifestyle, applied for a job I knew I couldn't really function with, had an interview and generally realized it would result in over a 15k/yr pay cut

June 20 - Venus enters Shadow - redefining content strategy, seeking something more reliant on content (on demand courses, authorship, affiliate links) vs 1-1 services or consulting with the goal of reducing my (server) amount of work days each week to 3 from 5.

July 23 - Venus Retrograde begins - I started doing a new position for my regular job that ended up losing me 6-10$/hr and I very quickly decided to not do that thing, lol. J starts talking about leaving his job he's at for a different one, and decided to take time off to go help his brother with his business for 2 weeks which was 6 hours from our home. By the 4th he was talking about moving there and continuing to work with his brother. For all of august i was very isolated and quiet. I wasn't speaking to my friends or family much at all, just intellectually wrapping my head around a move. We've never spent this amount of time apart and have been living together since 2013.

September 3 - Venus Direct - have a call with Selina Feng that made me see very clearly that my heart is not in creating a 1-1 coaching biz, no matter what my strategy or goal would be. This is notable because I was working on this business half-heartedly (i didn't realize that, obv) since early 2022 constantly getting confused and tangled between astrology consulting, coaching, and photography.

October 7 - Venus exits Shadow - a very quiet work week. i definitely have senior-itis at this point after having put in my notice and decided that I wouldn't be working full time after the next week. having some behind the scenes revelations on how things work with content creation and passive income. working on a YouTube video and I haven't done that in quite some time.

October 10 - Venus exits Leo/enters Virgo - obviously these are only a few days apart from each other and we are >very< deep into eclipse season by this time which activates the eclipse story...

We are now over the ledge of the final installment of the Scorpio/Taurus Axis eclipse cycle. This is a cycle that is very strong in my own life, because I have a Taurus Sun and IC and a Scorpio Moon, MC, and Pluto.

Each eclipse has brought and removed elements of my secure or insecure foundations, and brought or removed me from places of work and career.

This is a chaotic and frustrating time frame which will likely start to feel more stable around November 13.

Until then, this might feel eerie or like they're inherently unstable but you might not feel sure of why, until you experience an unmistakable "eclipse event". Then you'll do the work of dealing with it....whatever it is.

Maybe for you its one thing after another (that's how the Leo/Aquarius eclipses felt for me, which are the square angles of this cycle, or half way between a cycle like I was saying earlier).

While your eclipse events might be so unexpected that you don't know what they are until the very end of October or beginning of November, just roll with the punches and stay alert.

Not to sound dramatic, but eclipse points are when your life changes completely and you feel like there's no where else to go but this direction.

The one door closing, and the other opening, cliche phrase.

If your life feels pretty stable and calm, just be there for others who are going through monumental shifts.

If the last 2 years have felt chaotic look back to where you were around late 2012-late 2014, and see how that time frame eventually molded where you are today.

The current cycle's eclipse dates are: Lunar Eclipse Nov 19, 2021 27° Taurus 17′ Solar Eclipse Apr 30, 2022 10° Taurus 36′ Lunar Eclipse May 15, 2022 25° Scorpio 17′ Solar Eclipse Oct 25, 2022 02° Scorpio 07′ Lunar Eclipse Nov 8, 2022 15° Taurus 59′ Lunar Eclipse May 5, 2023 14° Scorpio 52′ Lunar Eclipse Oct 28, 2023 05° Taurus 03′

What's coming back around again for you?


Here's how its played out for me:

November 19, 2021 - lots of issues around my part time NPC job, felt like I just couldn't do it anymore, left that day and started creating astrology content more consistently, move into our partially finished bus

Apr 30, 2022 - lots of existential dread around astrology itself and how to use it, what to do with the info i have, etc

May 16, 2022 - take a big break from astrology, relaunch as a photog

October 25, 2022 - decide i definitively don't want to build my portrait photog biz, start applying to regular jobs to allow myself time to figure my shit out, things are getting kinda scary in the camper for heating costs

November 8, 2022 - forced to move from where we were staying and get a job IMMEDIATELY (vs seeking "the right one" - started that new desperation job 2 days later

May 6, 2023 - My GM at that job asked me if i was interested in management, to which I said I wasn't. I purchased a course, which may be notable in the future, but currently isn't being used. This was a calm eclipse, which isn't surprising because the previous eclipses were so much about work and home, but now those were both stable.

October 28, 2023 - My last day at my job was the 26th, and I'm head out for my new home on the 27th, 6 hours away to join J -- who I've only seen for about 14 days total in the past 4 months (Venus rx story) .

Obviously a new job will have to follow, but there is a new understanding around content creation and creating income surrounding that but with a secure cash flow from my serving job, which i am really good at but tired of resenting the lifestyle of...

As you can see there are threads that connect these events into a story of a process unfolding. Let me know in the comments how you're doing and feeling and anything that sticks out around these time frames.

Venus will enter her home FINALLY in Libra on November 9 and like I said earlier, the eclipse season will officially close November 13.

Please leave me your thoughts in the comments on this eclipse cycle, and if you can remember what was going on in this cycle between 2012 and '13. Which was almost exactly this same story for me.



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