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How Astrology Helped Me Understand and Embrace My True Self: Communication and Compatibility

Shanae Smith smiling in front of a red doorway - astrologer, owner of this site
Astrologer Shanae Smith

On December 7, 2019, it finally dawned on me why so many people were turned off by me. People—mostly those I knew pretty well—often told me I was "too much." Too abrasive, too opinionated, a bitch.

Not worth dealing with.

I was always shocked and blindsided by this because I genuinely believed I was an excellent person to have on your team. If you had a problem, I’d wrack my brain for a solution. If you needed me, I’d drop everything to be there. My resources were your resources, and I always took action to help.

But it turns out, teens and young twenty-somethings don’t give a flying fuck about loyalty or time and effort spent.

Astrology’s Role in Understanding your True Self

Now, with a deeper understanding of my astrology chart, I can see why I was experiencing this disconnect. My Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon energy—the loyalty, the resources, and the intensity—were there, but that’s not what people were picking up on. When I communicate with people I’m comfortable with, my Aries Mercury takes over: passion, fire, directness, boldness. Aries speaks louder than Taurus and Scorpio.

And that’s not even the whole picture! My Capricorn Rising—what people see when they first meet me—comes off as serious, reserved, and responsible. So people expected one thing but got another when they saw the "real" me.

Believe me, I wasn’t trying to mislead anyone. This is just the nature of astrology. We’re all layered, and there’s a good chance you’re doing your own version of this, too.

A woman with a basket bag and flowers is standing over her 3 friends at a picknic who are holding glasses of bubbly and surrounded by fun foods in a field with trees, long grass and golden sunshine
Friends having a picnic

Breaking Free from the Social Costume

After years of being told I was "too much," I started dulling myself down. I coped by drinking, which allowed my true self to be free—at least for a while. But it wasn’t until I dove into astrology that I began to understand myself in a new, more objective way.

Astrology showed me that my unique combination of signs and planets wasn’t "wrong"—it was just misunderstood. I realized that the right people—my true chosen family—would not only accept this but crave it. The only problem was, how would they know I was one of them

if I was busy wearing a social costume?

How Astrology Can Help You Find Your True Self

Through astrology, I was able to see that the way I was presenting myself wasn’t inauthentic—it was just incomplete. The more I understood my cosmic blueprint, the more I could see that the "too much" parts of me weren’t flaws. They were just misunderstood aspects of my personality that needed to be expressed to the right people, in the right environment.

Astrology allowed me to embrace my Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon’s loyalty and depth, while also owning my Aries Mercury's boldness. It helped me balance these energies and stop dulling myself to fit in with people who couldn’t handle my full spectrum.

And here’s the thing—you don’t need astrology to become more authentic, but it can help you understand yourself faster and with more clarity. Instead of spending years trying to figure out which parts of you are real and which are just conditioning, astrology gives you a language to decode your cosmic priorities.

When you understand your chart, you stop second-guessing yourself and start embracing your true self.

Curious to uncover the layers of your personality and understand your cosmic blueprint?

My Natal Chart Tour is the perfect place to start. In a quick, easy-to-follow video, I’ll walk you through the key points of your astrological chart, helping you understand yourself on a deeper level. You’ll leave with clarity on your cosmic priorities, and you’ll be empowered to investigate astrology for yourself in a straightforward way.

Book your Natal Chart Tour today and start your journey of self-discovery.



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