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Pluto in Capricorn: America's Historical Shifts and the Foundations of Power - US Pluto Return Part 1

Buckle up for a conversation surrounding American History and the upcoming US Pluto return in Capricorn!

If you're not someone who is interested in American-centric conversations, I get it! But I live in the States, and this is a real big deal around here! If this post isn't for you, I'll see you on the flippity-flop. But if you're interested in a conversation around what it means to be financially active and valued in America over the years of history and what could be coming, stick around because this post is gonna take us all the way back 414 years to 1607 in colonial Jamestown, VA!

A young girl runs away waving an american flag in a taupe dress, dress shoes, her hair waving in the wind as she runs
A young girl runs away waving an american flag in a taupe dress, dress shoes, her hair waving in the wind as she runs

Before we dive into the deep waters of history, let’s get the astrology context out of the way. If you're new to astrology or have little or no knowledge of it, don’t worry! I try to keep everything grounded and actionable around here. We may get a little "floaty-boaty," but not so much that you can’t keep up.

The astrological houses we’re discussing here are the workhouses, specifically the 2nd house of finances and earned income, the 6th house of health and daily work, and the 10th house of reputation and leadership. In the U.S. Sibley chart, Pluto sits in Capricorn, which means Capricorn rules America’s 2nd house of finances.

Now let’s get real. It’s no secret that wealth in America has a dark history. We can’t discuss American wealth without acknowledging that much of it, especially in the colonial period, was tied directly to slavery. While I don’t want to dwell too much on this topic, as it’s not the focus of this post, it’s crucial to remember that Pluto's influence in Capricorn digs up these deep, hidden, often uncomfortable truths about power structures.

The Pluto Return for the U.S. is associated with wealth and power – remember those school lessons on the American Revolution? “No taxation without representation!” The Boston Tea Party, the fight for independence, and secession from England were all wrapped up in financial control and autonomy. Interestingly, while Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were unknown to the founding fathers, the nation's astrology chart can explain why America has such an obsession with wealth and, often, a massive wealth gap.

Fast forward to 2008, when Pluto re-entered Capricorn, and we saw the beginning of the largest wealth gap since we seceded from the Crown. The housing bubble burst, leading to the 2008 financial crisis, and since then, Pluto has been chipping away at our economic structures. Then, in 2020, we had the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, bringing power, expansion, and control to a peak.

Now we’re in Pluto's Return (exact as of 2022), which means the same themes that sparked the American Revolution are surfacing again. The fight for financial autonomy and restructuring wealth is back in full swing.

We’ve seen an unprecedented transfer of wealth, mostly upwards, during the pandemic. People have started to feel like they’re living in a rigged system—Pluto is tearing down the structures that no longer serve us, but it’s messy, it’s destructive, and it’s uncomfortable.

Pluto's Transit Through the Signs

Now, here’s a quick timeline of Pluto in the earth signs:

  • 1607: Jamestown, VA is founded. This happens while Pluto is in Taurus, the sign ruling wealth, land, and material resources. Soon after, in 1619, the first African slaves arrive in the colonies.

  • 1710-1725: Pluto in Virgo. A "quiet" time, but significant for the foundational colonialism period. Efforts to ban slavery were squashed by the Crown in the name of commerce.

  • 1763-1776: Pluto in Capricorn. The American Revolution! Remember, this time frame marked the beginning of America's fight for independence, and Pluto was stirring up the financial structures of both the colonies and England.

  • 1852-1884: Pluto in Taurus again, and what happens? The Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation. This time marks a huge transformation in wealth, labor, and economy, as slavery is officially outlawed.

  • 1956-1972: Pluto in Virgo. The Civil Rights Movement is in full swing, pushing for a restructuring of social and economic justice. Born during this time were the flower children, the hippie movement, and nonviolent resistance.

  • 2008-2024: Pluto in Capricorn. The housing bubble bursts, wealth gaps skyrocket, and we're currently seeing a power struggle between corporate elites and everyday workers.

Now that Pluto has made its return to Capricorn, what does this mean? Power is being ripped out of the hands of those who hold it unjustly and redistributed—although slowly and painfully. Wealth gaps, political corruption, and corporate control have all been under Pluto's spotlight, and we’re just beginning to see what happens when those structures start to collapse.

A satellite orbits above the earth
A satellite orbits above the earth

But, where does this lead?

The next big shift will come when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023, marking the beginning of a new era—the Technological Revolution. Just like the Industrial Revolution  of the 18th century, (Pluto entered Aquarius last time around 1778, at the beginning of that time frame) we’re already seeing technology reshape the landscape of work, health, and daily life.

AI, automation, robotics—they’re all part of Pluto in Aquarius. Many jobs will disappear, replaced by tech, and the workforce will split into those who embrace a fully digital life (think Ready Player One) and those who choose a more grounded, hands-on existence (think homesteading and small communities).

But here’s the thing about Pluto in Aquarius—it’s about power to the people. It’s about revolution and innovation. It’s about tearing down the old ways of working and governing and building something entirely new, something that aligns with the humanitarian ideals of the Aquarian age. It won’t be easy. It’ll be uncomfortable. But it’s necessary.

For America, this Pluto return is an opportunity to rethink what it means to be wealthy, powerful, and valued. Will we rise to the challenge, or will we continue to see the gaps widen?

I know that sounds intense, but Pluto doesn’t mess around when it comes to transformation. We’re being forced to confront our darkest truths and make decisions that could shape the next 248 years of American history.

As we’ve seen, Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has reshaped the very foundation of America’s financial and societal structures, laying the groundwork for the transformative shifts we’ve experienced in recent history. But this story doesn’t end here.

We’re now on the verge of Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, a once-in-a-lifetime transit that will usher in a whole new era of technological revolution and societal evolution.

In Part 2, we’ll dive into what Pluto in Aquarius holds for us, exploring the future of innovation, workforce changes, and the rise of a new age of community and intellect.

If you’re curious about how these upcoming shifts will impact not just America, but the world—and potentially your own life—join me in Part 2: Pluto in Aquarius and the Technological Revolution.

Want to know how Pluto’s movements could be affecting your personal chart? Let’s work together to uncover the cosmic insights waiting for you!



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