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US Pluto Return Part 2: Pluto in Aquarius and the Technological Revolution

US Pluto Return (Moving into) Aquarius: The Revolution of Power and Technology

Now that we’ve covered Pluto’s long history in the United States and its role in shaking up power structures, financial systems, and hierarchy, it’s time to look forward. Because what’s coming next isn’t just a continuation—it’s a radical shift. When Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023 and stays there until 2044, we’re looking at a new era of technological revolution, societal upheaval, and redefining what power means in this modern age.

If you thought Capricorn was crazy, just wait. The US Pluto Return in Aquarius is going to be wild, unpredictable, and absolutely game-changing. When Pluto—a planet that loves to dig up everything we’ve buried—meets Aquarius, the sign that embraces the future, what you get is an era of transformation like nothing we’ve ever seen before.

Students with red hats learn science through working with planets, one student holds a watering squirt bottle
Students with red hats learn science through working with planets, one student holds a watering squirt bottle

Pluto in Aquarius: The Revolution of Power, Freedom, and Liberty

Now that we’ve covered Pluto’s long history in the United States and its role in shaking up power structures, financial systems, and hierarchy, it’s time to look forward. Pluto’s upcoming transit through Aquarius from 2023 to 2044 marks the start of a new revolution—not just a technological one, but also a social and political one, deeply tied to freedom and breaking away from oppressive systems.

When Pluto last entered Aquarius in 1777, it coincided with the American Revolution, a struggle to break free from the tyranny of the British crown. The core themes were liberty, self-determination, and the rejection of top-down control. People were no longer willing to be subjects of a monarchy that taxed them without representation or limited their freedoms. This Plutonic shift in Aquarius reflected a deep, transformative desire to create a new world where freedom and equality were the guiding principles.

We can see similar themes emerging now. As Pluto re-enters Aquarius, we’re looking at a new revolution—one that challenges not just political authority but also the control wielded by corporations, financial institutions, and technological monopolies. Just like in the 18th century, the call for freedom is loud, but this time it's less about kings and more about breaking free from the new forms of control that define our modern world.

Freedom From Oppression: Pluto’s Role in Social Transformation

Aquarius, traditionally ruled by Saturn, is a sign associated with social progress, humanitarian ideals, and collective empowerment. While Saturn’s energy in Aquarius is focused on building structures that support collective well-being, Pluto’s role is to tear down systems of oppression that no longer serve the people. This was evident during the American Revolution when the colonies fought for independence from the crown. The same energy that spurred the revolution 250 years ago will be reactivated, but now it’s aimed at freeing us from the constraints of the modern world—whether those are

economic, technological, or social in nature.

Pluto’s energy isn’t just about external freedom; it’s about internal transformation. The American Revolution didn’t just liberate people from British rule—it ignited a process of self-determination. People began to question who they were and what they wanted their new world to look like. This is what Pluto does best—it forces us to look at the core of who we are, face uncomfortable truths, and transform them into something new and empowered.

Expect to see a rise in movements that demand social justice, equity, and freedom from the influence of oppressive systems, whether that be corporations, governments, or entrenched hierarchies. The Aquarian ideal of liberty for all will drive these transformations, just as it did in the late 18th century.

Pluto’s Transit and the Fight for Freedom in History

The last time Pluto transited through Aquarius from 1777 to 1797, the American colonies weren’t just fighting for freedom from British control—they were also grappling with the institution of slavery. The ideals of liberty and equality that drove the Revolution were inherently contradictory when it came to the enslavement of African people. Yet, this period planted the seeds for future abolition movements that would eventually bring about the end of slavery in the U.S. during Pluto’s transit through Taurus in the 19th century.

These powerful shifts in the social fabric were all tied to the Plutonic process of death and rebirth. The old ways of doing things—whether it was monarchies or slave-based economies—had to be dismantled so something new and more aligned with the principles of freedom and equality could emerge. It’s important to recognize that Pluto’s energy doesn’t just dissolve structures for the sake of chaos—it does so to clear the way for transformation and evolution.

The same will be true in the coming years. Pluto in Aquarius is going to challenge the systems that have concentrated wealth, power, and technology in the hands of a few, paving the way for a more equitable, community-driven future.

Freedom, Technology, and Innovation

Let’s get into what this means practically. Pluto in Aquarius will bring about massive changes in areas like technology, community, and social systems. We’re already seeing the beginnings of this revolution with the rise of AI, automation, and digital innovations reshaping industries and daily life. This is a key part of the coming transformation, but it’s only one piece.

As we saw during the American Revolution, the fight for freedom wasn’t just about politics—it was about creating a new world where individuals had the right to determine their own destinies. Pluto in Aquarius will continue that theme, but in a modern context. Technology will become a major battlefield—are we using it to liberate ourselves, or are we being controlled by it?

Aquarius, under Saturn’s rulership, favors structures that serve the collective good. It’s not about tearing down systems for the sake of chaos, but about building something better—something more innovative, fair, and equitable. While this shift will undoubtedly be disruptive, it’s also a time to create systems that empower individuals rather than control them.

A parachuter glides through a snowy topped mountain range
A parachuter glides through a snowy topped mountain range

The Technological Revolution

Let’s get into what this means practically. Pluto in Aquarius is going to hit fast and hard in areas related to technology, community, and societal structures. We’re already seeing the beginning of this, with AI, automation, and digital innovations starting to reshape industries and lives. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real revolution will come when Pluto fully settles into Aquarius and eventually trines Uranus in Gemini.

During this time, technology will likely take over many aspects of daily life in ways that are hard to imagine right now. The rise of AI and robotics will mean that many jobs we’ve known for decades may disappear, or at the very least, drastically change. But it’s not all dystopian—the positive side is that these advancements will also bring incredible opportunities for those who embrace them.

Aquarius is all about progress, the future, and finding new ways to do things. We’ll see huge breakthroughs in fields like space exploration, renewable energy, and maybe even areas we haven’t dreamed up yet. It’s not just about tech—Aquarius also rules social change. The collective is going to rise, and movements focused on equality, justice, and human rights will gain even more momentum.

But with Pluto involved, nothing is ever easy. Change will come, but it might feel messy, chaotic, or even threatening at times. It’s the nature of Pluto to dig up the ugly underbelly of systems so they can be transformed. So expect disruption, but know that it’s all part of the process.

A New Power Dynamic

One of the most fascinating parts of this transit will be how power shifts. We’ve been living in a top-down hierarchy, especially in the U.S., for a long time. This is Pluto in Capricorn at work—big corporations, CEOs, and the 1% holding the majority of wealth and influence. But Aquarius doesn’t work that way. Aquarius is a sign of the people, of grassroots movements, and of revolution from the ground up.

When Pluto enters Aquarius, the power dynamics will start to shift toward the collective. We’re going to see a rise in decentralized systems—think cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and new forms of community-driven governance -- as well as things we can't really imagine yet. This is where the real revolution begins. The people are going to take back control in ways that are innovative and disruptive to the existing structures.

Now, I’m not saying we’re heading for a utopia—Aquarius energy is far too complex for that. There will be tension, and not everyone will agree on how to move forward. But this is where the beauty of Aquarius comes in: it’s all about finding a way to integrate individuality with collective progress. It’s about creating a world where personal freedom and community responsibility can coexist.

Pluto’s Impact on the U.S. Chart

Let’s bring this back to the United States chart for a second. With the U.S. having its Pluto return in Capricorn, we’re already seeing the breakdown of outdated systems. But Pluto’s transit into Aquarius will bring a new wave of challenges. This isn’t just about the government or corporations—it’s about the everyday person, the workforce, and how we navigate this technological revolution together.

Here’s where things get really interesting. The U.S. has a Sagittarius rising, with Pluto transiting from the 2nd house of finances and resources into the 3rd house of communication, technology, and local communities. Expect to see a lot of shifts in how we use technology, how we communicate with each other, and even how local communities function. The future is going to look very different from the present, and Pluto is here to make sure that we’re prepared—whether we like it or not.

The Role of Saturn and Innovation

While Aquarius is a sign often associated with progress and change, Saturn as its ruler ensures that any transformation is methodical and purposeful. This isn’t the reckless innovation of Uranus (though it’s often confused for it)—this is about constructing a new order, one that is built to withstand the tests of time. Saturn’s influence will make sure that any advances we see during Pluto’s transit through Aquarius are sustainable, not fleeting trends.

Expect breakthroughs in technology and science, but also in how society organizes itself. Traditional power structures—governments, corporations, financial systems—may face challenges, but Saturn will ensure that whatever takes their place is structured and responsible. Aquarius isn’t just about revolution; it’s about innovation that benefits the collective, with a focus on long-term growth.

Nine jets fly in a V formation with red white and blue vapor trails
Nine jets fly in a V formation with red white and blue vapor trails

Key Themes from the LAST Pluto in Aquarius (1777-1797):

  1. Freedom and Revolution: American and French revolutions reshaped political structures, moving from monarchy to democracy, embodying the Aquarian values of collective power and freedom from tyranny.

  2. Innovation and Technology: The Industrial Revolution’s early stages transformed economies and societies, highlighting Aquarius’ connection to technology and progress.

  3. Social Equality and Humanitarianism: The abolitionist movement and the push for human rights reflected Pluto in Aquarius’ drive for equality, collective good, and transformation of oppressive systems.

  4. Intellectualism and Enlightenment: The rise of intellectualism, science, and reason during the Enlightenment paralleled Aquarius’ emphasis on progress, rational thought, and the advancement of human knowledge.

What’s Next?

If all of this sounds overwhelming, that’s because it is and likely will be. Pluto transits are never light or easy—they are about deep, transformative change. But knowing this energy is coming gives you a huge advantage. You don’t have to be blindsided by the shifts Pluto brings. Instead, you can work with it, align yourself with these changes, and find ways to grow and evolve.

This is where astrology comes in. By looking at your own chart, you can see exactly how Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will affect you personally. Are you going to feel it in your career? In your relationships? In your sense of identity? Whatever the case, Pluto will ask you to evolve—and when you embrace it, that’s where the magic happens.

If you’re ready to dive into your own Pluto journey, I’m here to help. My consultations focus on aligning with these intense energies, so you can make the most of them rather than fighting against them. Let’s look at where Pluto is asking you to innovate, where you need to let go of the old to welcome in the new. Together, we can navigate this wild, transformative time.

Ready to explore your chart and get clear on where Pluto in Aquarius will push you to evolve? Let’s dive in.



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