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Using Astrology - Consultation Integration - What happens after your first astrology reading?

4/100 - Today was a great session! This person is a true beginner who knows very little about astrology and had never even seen her own chart before!

This was also a pretty monumental session for me because this person actually has only a few strong (as in close and major) aspect alignments outside of conjunctions.

This means that the stories being told rely on the planets and the signs they're in (vs aspects) and a couple of planets and signs stand out as really prominently 'in charge". The other planets are kind of "doing their bidding".

For this client it was Jupiter and Mars (night chart for those interested).

Jupiter ruled her entire chart and was at home, rising in the 1st house conjunct Uranus - lending itself to someone who values radical freedom but in actuality whose freedom and independence is one of volatility.

Mars was peregrine - completely cut off from the other planets but making strong (close in degree) connections to Chiron and the ascendant.

A lot of pent up Martian energy here with no outlet...except for Chrion in Taurus.

Maybe, especially if you're born in the late 70s to early 80s, you can relate to the feeling of or remember the literal occurrence of classic physical, financial, housing instability and/or even food insecurity that plagued the mid 80s.

It's enough to impact how you function in life completely. The life you have now is absolutely impacted by the way you grew up and the typical day you lived as a child.

The things you thought, feared, witnessed and experienced all impact how you function in the world and how you experience security like shelter, comfort and warmth, food (whether nutritious or not..) - you know - the fruits of cash flow keeping you alive and a productive member of society in the now.

Understanding what is "going on here" will help you define what in your life is working because it is fundamentally aligned with your being and what is not working and creating a rift between where you are and where you want to be.

Now that this person has had a singular consultation what's next for her?


She will start to reflect on everything I said, her notes. She will Google the phrases I told her to like "Mars square Chiron" and so on. She will likely mull over and journal, or talk it over with a friend or confidante on the topics that we discussed over the next few days and weeks.


She will start to integrate any information that she/we uncovered in the initial consultation and journaling sessions/reflection over the next weeks and months.


Months (years, for somethings...) will go by and she will experience activations of the energies in her chart that we discussed through the planet's transits out there - in space - in real time. She will start to understand herself better if she continues to reflect and journal on their connections. Each of these activations is a continuation in the story of living her life.


Additional sessions will be had when she feels like the information uncovered in today's session has been integrated or utilized - and now that she has that in her foundation she is ready to build with even deeper introspection through her chart.

And the cycle repeats.

But now you're aware of what the course looks like and you're not running into trees so much.

Listen, life repeats themes that can be honestly so difficult - everyone's life is detailed and complex and their unknown ulterior motivations are almost always subconscious.

We see others out there crushing it in areas that are SO difficult for us and we say "not fair"! (It's harder to notice the things we experience as easy that others don't - but that's another story. )

Sometimes it's clear and easy to see your underlying needs and and sometimes it takes time and probing to uncovered them

but don't discount that they are almost always hidden really well from your regular Ole Conscious Mind .

If you want to dig deeper into your blocks and obstacles holding you back from living a life that is fulfilling, delicious and exciting but you're not sure where to start send me a message


In my program Unearth Your Soulmate Self I help astrology beginners and practical mystics sort out their priorities, develop an understanding in each area of their life by reflecting on the houses, house rulers, and the aspects in their astrology chart

and intentionally align their goals with the cosmic clock so they can focus on what is supported for them at any given time.

Sometimes this looks like shuffling your life around significantly.

At the end you will be able to understand your motivations, decipher oportunities, intentionally make choices and better understand your needs, desires, preferences and boundaries.

To accomplish that youll:

learn how to "speak the language" and spot life themes vs just reading paragraphs about isolated placements learn how to use forecasting for goal strategy learn how to make distinctions about transits, understand the quality of time and cycles learn to see your own horoscope - daily, weekly monthly -- even longer

The best fit for this 1-1

Generally understands a birth chart layout Wants to achieve goals and solve issues strategically with their chart in mind Internet searches are starting to return few helpful results, or too broad results Know their planet's signs (and maybe even their houses) and want to start living in alignment with their chart at a deeper level Knows their exact birth time

The potential costs of missing this 1-1

Living a misaligned life leads to burnout and stress which are connected to health problems and early death.

Doing aligned work = untapped energy reserves, creativity, intuition, and confidence as well as a

soulmate network.

Not knowing energetic fluctuations means periodically derailing your life, worrying and overthinking.

Knowing energetic fluctuations = seeing and anticipating patterns for active and rest times and maximizing results

One size fits all personal development means repeating the same concepts on end.

Natal chart personal development means finding comfort in the uncomfortable = naming our issues, exploring our values and limiting beliefs, and communicating our boundaries and expectations.

Two ways to work with me -

30 Day Intensive 1-1 8 calls, 3 days/week of instant messenger + voice notes Structured, but client led To jump into a 30 day intensive any time send me a DM. The cost is currently in the low 4 figure range.

Seasonal 1-1 Programs 12 weeks - beginning during cardinal seasons and lasting through mutable seasons 12 calls Structured, but client led 6 days/week instant messenger + voice notes support

To join the wait list for the ⚘ Spring 1-1s DM me to claim your spot. Session starting March 20, 2023.

Early Bird Schdule:

Buy during ... January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023 $777 February 19, 2023 - March 19, 2023 $ 1200

Limited spots available



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