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Shanae smiling sitting in the sun on a stairwell wearing pearls, a dress, leather jacket and ripped tights.
Shanae Smith

New here and wondering what this space is all about? My goal is to help you untangle your social and familial conditioning so you can understand what your authentic personal experience looks like.

The root word auto- in Greek means self; consider other words like author, authority, authenticate.

When you know yourself and see your individuality you can live a life you're excited about and be in control of your reality instead of being a slave to it and your emotional (conditioned) reactions.

How do I do that?

1. UNDERSTANDING YOUR WHOLE SELF CONCEPT in your astrological makeup as well as through constant processes unfolding in your life experience

Every person has multiple true selves. I can help you sort out who is who.

2. ACCOUNTABLE ASSESSMENT of your current beliefs and mindset to shift to a place where empowered action is available - stop being a slave to your emotional reactions, and stop manifesting falling domino's.

You might be tired of hearing this - but thoughts become things. If you intellectually know this (or are still working to adopt this knowledge) but haven't been able to convert your knowing into *acting* like you know this, than you're still spiraling down the rabbit hole creating more tangles.

3. CHOOSING ACCURATE PRIORITIES and refusing distraction from your old unconscious priorities.

My goal is for you to be able to honestly say that you are Living LOUD because you know what you want, have a plan in how to achieve it, and have the security in your self to be the person who creates it.

What does that look like for me? I'm a content creator and curator. I share books and the knowledge that I glean from them, reflections on current astrology and archetypal process that are unfolding, inspirational ideas, and thoughts that I think will encourage you to take leadership of your own life and community.

I am available for consultation and open to guiding you through untangling your conditioning through

1. Astrology consultation and mentorship 2. Philosophical quantum and mindset work 3. Photography to explore your physical vessels connection to your spiritual essence

I hope you're curious and want to stick around.



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