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What does your mind-body-soul desperately desires and crave to experience?

3/100 - Excuse me everyone I need to tell you something Today I had a session! And it went well.

How am i helping people? I am getting more comfortable chatting with strangers about their deepest questions regarding their chart and life experiences.

My goal is to help you see your past in a way that shows you HOW to live from the seat of your inner authority and to help you seek out the changes and updates that will push you toward the experiences you...

Ugh I'm gonna say something cringy here it goes. what your mind-body-soul desperately desires and craves to experience.

People say your fear is a marker for where you should go - but what if you feel afraid of a lot of things?

What is the interwoven theme? What is the common denominator? Who are the major cast of characters involved in this horror flick? Where is the trip wire?

To decode the pathway there will involve deep personal reflection and discovery and that doesn't come from regular conversations, friends, family, or book learning.

In fact - while I believe therapy and astrology are related and I'm not a therapist - I believe that astrology is more impactful than general therapy for understanding and rooting out the majority of people's issues ... of course I'm not talking about dealing with illness here.

I'm talking about understanding the quality -

(ie conflict, harmony, fertile, dry, nebulous, clear, intellectual, emotional, quick, slow) of the energy that seeded

(what at your funeral will be called)

"your life"

at the moment of your birth.

Wow, deep stuff.

It comes from reflecting on your life with intentional questions and analyzing the thread of event themes over time.

What's easy now leads to whats hard later and what's hard now leads to what's easier later.

You aren't here to do what's easy. But if you feel confused about why "every single thing" feels hard then you could benefit from learning WTF is happening in your natal chart.

If you're interested in doing this work I have a few ways to work with me:

- Consultations -

1 hr consultation/single session - 50$ - that's what this comment from my group member is speaking of. this price is definitely going to increase as my wait list gets longer 4 session package - 150$ - recommend they're spread out over at least 6-8 + months. Ditto on the price

- Unearth Your Soulmate Self -

guided natal chart exploration program perfect for you if you have Googled your natal chart placements but you're not sure what to do next my 1-1 program helps to determine what your true desires even are in all 12 areas of life.

Two ways to Unearth Yourself with me -

30 Day Intensive 1-1

8 calls, 3 days/week of instant messenger + voice notes Structured, but client led

To jump into a 30 day intensive any time send me a DM. The cost is currently in the low 4 figure range.

Seasonal 1-1 Programs

12 weeks - beginning during cardinal seasons and lasting through mutable seasons 12 calls Structured, but client led 6 days/week instant messenger + voice notes support

To join the wait list for the ⚘ Spring 1-1s DM me to claim your spot. (Session starting March 20, 2023).

Early Bird Schdule:

Today is the last say to join under the price and the last chance to save over 50% on the og price.

Buy during ...

December 21, 2022 - January 19, 2023 $555 January 20, 2023 - February 18, 2023 $777 February 19, 2023 - March 19, 2023 $ 1200

Limited spots available



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