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What the Houses in Your ASTROLOGY CHART Help You Do

a young woman in a black dress grabs a chain link fence smirking and looks through it

How do you get something out of astrology if your life goal isn't to spend all of your free time studying it??

HOW TO USE ASTROLOGY without/before becoming an astrologer.

1ST you have to understand what astrology charts are MEASURING.

They're not randomly generated, they're not just illustrations of a visual phenomenon but they are a literal clock that shows a literal time.

A wall clock: measures the days length - literally a return of the sun to that space of sky place on the ecliptic or "planet plane" visually from Earth from morning to morning

An astrology chart: measures that day in the grand scheme of all the days. ALL OF THEM.

Why does that matter? Astrology measures and describes the 4th dimension. I mean this very literally.

As a reminder: the 4th dimension is what humans call *time*, the present and the "past" and "future")

Lets describe dimensions.

2D object - height, width -It could be black and white, gray or colored, but regardless only the eyes can sense the 2D - you can't touch or feel it, or join it. It's flat, and without substance.

Without any other process it will not disintegrate or decompose or be altered

3D object - height, width, and depth - It's colored, it's felt, its smelled and tasted, it can be held or touched. It takes up space.

A lemon can be described countless ways.

It could be dry, and bumpy, or 2 inches x 3 inches. You obviously get that....

But how else can it be described? Maybe juicy, sour or crisp, even exhilarating, or uncomfortable, maybe painful - if you have a canker sore or ulcer. These are qualities of it separate from it taking up space in the 3D world. These aren't pictured in a 3D graph of what a lemon looks like.

Why would the 4th dimension be *simpler* than the 3rd??

Of course it wouldn't.

It is impossible for us to truly even fathom the complexity of the immersion we must experience as participants of the 4th dimension.

If it is an expansion of the immersion of reality that we experience in 3D -- then each moment that succeeds into the next can be described as having a quality that can only be experienced in the ever present NOW.

But that doesn't mean it can't be speculated on. This is where the archetypal language of astrology comes in.

Listen: knowing about astrology transits and events do not make you immune to what they bring. You will experience challenge, conflict, frustration, loss, grief, heartbreak, anger, fear and confusion.

I'm sorry I have to tell you that. I'm not big on using fear or complicated verbiage to scare people into doing anything. I don't want to have to tell you that is the case with LIFE.

With a stoic philosophy and following through on your intuition even when it gets hard you can have an extremely fulfilling life without doing any of this....

But how do you use it to manage this process constructively if you want to?

My grandma used to write a short entry in a fancy planner what she did every day and how every day went instead of planning out the future with it. She recorded events in her family's life.

This is really cool to me (I'm sure that's obvious). I do this with an app on my phone called Journal It! - not sponsored - (android) (apple) and it's great because I can tag entries with anything I want.

I often tag specific transits that I know will reoccur, have reoccurring value, or will be valuable to reflect on for a long time

Either way

The burning question for busy practical mystics is how much does it "cost"? Time wise especially. Is it necessary to keep a super detailed history of my life? Short answer, no but I recommend you keep track of notable events accurately and you absolutely must keep an accurate record of the most important events that happen.

Without this you can just learn your own personality astrology but where does that truly benefit you?

You become aware of personality dynamics that people either like or dislike and you decide if you like or dislike it I guess - but then what? You change them? (wrong answer) or what?

No. Your personality is yours. Own it. Love it. Be you. Be kind but authentic. Author your own experiences. Decide things and be naturally yourself without thoughts as to what people's reactions to you are.

You don't have to appear friendly if you're respectful and don't care about getting something from everyone.

(phew, wish I knew that before I was in my 30s.)

You don't have to feel like you're too much ever because you came to this planet at a time and place when the quality of time and place was as it was, as it always would be, a fertile soil for the person you are becoming.

At the risk of sounding very dramatic you are part of a UNIVERSAL cast and crew that is making this whole SHOW called life happen.

Life is literally a stage -- like is that clear? The plot is very fucking real and convincing in the matrix, dude.

Is it necessary to constantly or even weekly "check the astrological weather"?

Do I need to listen to 20 minute general forecast on youtube every month to "use astrology"? No. I don't think you should be watching general astrology forecasts if you're a beginner.

There are 2 ways to use astrology, as an astrology believer as a non-astrologer:

1 way: hire an astrologer who can help you as often as you like for a per hour rate -- great choice! Work with them on a reoccurring basis whenever you want - you pay for their time.

This is a great choice when you need guidance or things feel like they're getting out of control or confusing.

Many/most professional astrologers have hourly availability for consulting and many will sell packages of multiple sessions to help with the process of long term transformations.

I do.

2 way: Learn some specific astrology techniques, your unique chart's message, and collect a few astrological tools so you can pay astrologers less frequently, and feel confident in your ability to forecast for your own goals without getting bogged down by the details.

Either way you will periodically want less structured consultations to ask questions and refine your understanding of the cosmic clock and the big picture of your lifestyle

but if you're learning YOUR astrology chart (not learning all astrology) on your own you should expect there to be a long and arduous integration period.

People study for decades. There are thousands of books. There's a ton of traditions. There's always new conversations to have, the transits never quit, the combos are infinite.

There is so much and you don't know what you don't know.

Yes there is limitless free information online. Some of it is good and some of it is noise. Some of it is scholastic and some is esoteric. But it is truly limitless. How will you sort out what is helpful for your lifestyle?

What would it look like to for you to use astrology to design your life even if you really have no interest in learning every detail on how and why?

When you learn what the Houses in Your ASTROLOGY CHART are trying to tell you you get: 1. A firmer security in your self esteem and expression 2. A better understanding of both cash flow and what you value in your life and what blocks are involved 3. A look into your foundational skills and close support network 4. A reflection on the role of environment both growing up and prioritized in your adult life 5. Better refining what pleasure looks like in your life experience 6. Learning from the experiences of a day in your life and the reoccurring activities that make up your day to day life 7. Viewing your partnerships from a logical and grounded perspective to uncover the underlying objectives and motivators 8. Naming issues with boundaries, leakage, fear, avoidance, and painful endings that turn into potentially painful beginnings 9. Reaffirming faith and uncovering dedication to specific supportive philosophies 10. Confidently choosing a place in society to seek success and share your life's work 11. Meeting your audience and learning how to support them and how they support you 12. Reflecting in isolation and what is required for you to have mental peace and clarity

Uncovering the answers to all these questions will enable a person to succeed in nearly any area of their life that they're most interested in leveling up in -- assuming they put in the work and take the actions...

It's like everything else - knowing doesn't make you immune and knowing doesn't change your life until you start making the changes, improvements, having the conversations, and making decisions.

When you understand your charts message, a couple easy but impactful techniques, and know how to run the helpful parts of, you can very quickly start to run with the info and see your own horoscope in a really impactful way.

If you're ready to stop watching endless general astrology forecasts and searching random shit on the internet about astrology then check out all the ways we can work together here.



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