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Your birth chart is not a thing to live up to - balance Astrology with Spiritual Beliefs

When I got into astrology the first thing I did was pour over the individual placements to see how obscure and eerie the accuracy of cafeastrology and other rando blogs could describe me and my life experience could be.

That was a really impactful thing in my life, and I think it fundamentally changed the way I see myself. Sometimes I regret having learned it before I was like -- 27.

This was the first time in my life I remember feeling like: "This must show me what I'm supposed to be, do, and have*.

If this is how you have been using astrology

STOP immediately and read the rest of this post.

When we first learn about the complexity of astrology and receive all that validation for our completely private insecurities or even our pride in our chart some of us, including myself, feel the first flash of:

This can be used to change my life and solve every problem I have with myself.

STOP STOP. That's not how this works.

The only thing you can get out of learning to use your astrology chart is more. More of your true essence...but in the beginning there is a tendency to separate and isolate each component of that essence.

Do you know how much quality and safety is destroyed when we isolate certain components to individual compounds - corn syrup vs corn, caffeine pills vs a wholesome tea, a sound bite vs a dynamic spirited discussion, cocaine vs medicinal Coca leaves.

When you start learning stuff about yourself via astrology you could get obsessed with pinpointing every little detail, analyzing why, why, why?

The answer for most of it is "because, because, because you need an environment to act in, silly". It's not that deep. (is it?)

You might even start manifesting more of the perfect circumstances and issues that will help you act out your 'shadow aspects' or your problematic behaviors that pull you further and further from acting as a whole in perfect combination - which you were actually doing perfectly well NOT knowing your chart - aside from stubbornly clinging to your misaligned expectations and societal or familial conditioning.

Obviously, usually, being interested in astrology attracts people who mostly want to do better, feel better, and feel a sense of understanding between themselves and the external world they participate in.

They, overall, hope it provides a net positive to their life and communities.

But your birth chart is not a thing to live up to. It's not a thing to show you "how to be."

It shows you how you are. Trying to be is not being - it is doing.

Your chart is more of a 2D blue print of the structure of what you are, not a map for renovations. It's a humans paper drawing of a turbulent spot in the ocean of physical matter AND anti physical "matter".

This is about to get what many consider far fetched ... but I mean this is already an astrology post so... get your open mind on now.

Many of us trip over a stick in the road called -

making assumptions and guesses about what other people like based on emotionally analyzed 'feedback ripples' of our own true intentions - which you might not even recognize.

What you feel called to "mitigate" in your life (chart/personality/relationships) is exactly where you need to work toward acceptance and *elevating the expression*.

There are literally infinite potential "reasons" in your chart to be worried - challenging events, circumstances, and experiences...some of them are "just a part of the human experience". You haven't experienced the last hard day in your life, unfortunately.

But that cant make you sad or worried! Be empowered! TAKE THE STEPS. Walk the walk. Speak almost exclusively about what you DESIRE. Be clear about what you desire. Believe that your desires do come true, and your job is to prepare for them.

Do you desire everything that comes out of your mouth, especially when it involves your identity, your self, your body, your mind, your resources and energy?

If you don't, start there.

Because Aries is the sign of the self, and while I can't say that everyone is going to change completely over the next 2.5 years, it will be very hard for people to stay the same or keep the same environment.

Next year - *everything* starts changing.

This is the last Aries Full moon before the eclipses move signs again. Eclipses are catalyst events that begin or end things and - typically they feel like you have no choice in the matter and the only option is to act or surrender immediately.

The Taurus/Scorpio place in your chart is in the process of changing now. We're about 2/3 through the story line. Multiple catalyst events occur over around 18 months to shape and adjust the area of life they're taking place in the chart.

Of the following scenarios you might find that a couple of these polarities resonate as activated attention receivers every 6 months or so in a cycle:

Identity as you see yourself vs the identity of a partner's partner, the dynamics of intimacy and boundaries, providing for or serving others vs accepting for self

Values, earned income, and self worth vs the worth of your external world, partner, or investments/debt

Speech, messaging, communicating vs understanding, experiencing, and living the message

Home and family life vs career and public reputation and the act of showing up out in the world providing the world with your purposeful service

Pleasure, romance, art - indulgent milk and honey vs focusing on others in your community or society and appreciating, receiving, accommodating and prioritizing them

Daily routine and physical body vs mental health and the flexibility to favor, choose, and commit to the correct prescription for the balance of both

Spouse, platonic life partners, business partners vs self expression, living in alignment to our own individual potential

Debt, traumas, finance vs the way we value ourselves and how we contribute to the lifestyle we live

Culture, university, foreign travel vs sharing time, thoughts and experiences with our smaller communities of extended family, neighborhoods and friends

Professional or community reputations vs adequately performing in our home to the best of our ability to honor and capitalize on the importance of a nurturing fulfilling foundation of life

Greater community or networks vs our ability and willingness to stand out and get ahead as a leader and not shy away from sharing our ideas, time, money, skills, or network, subconscious, dreams, and isolation vs your daily processes to keep the machine of life running at an acceptable level

Wherever you're seeing the shift now, if that so happens to be activated by the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle, than perhaps you'll want to check out the scenario that is listed immediately before it to see what area of life you're focusing on during the Aries/Libra Eclipses that will come next year.

If you have an Aries placement in your chart especially, but everyone do me a favor - think back to what was going on during the final days of March and beginning days of April. These dates are correlated to this full moon.

But great news if that time wasn't so good for you and yours - this is a completion energy! You have an opportunity here for universally supported completion.

Remember STOP getting freaked out about stuff. You're the creator of your own reality, and your spouse or mom or boss is the creator of their own too and when you and they get freaked out and start believing intrusive, wild thoughts we become aligned to the fear.

Boom, manifestation.

What's the point of knowing astrology then?

My (current) opinion is Astrology is archetypes in action - so there is infinite bouquets of archetypally flavored possibilities that are in some ways irrelevant to time, but because your life experience takes place in a 3D hologram you literally pick your adventure Now through your the expectations explained by your alignment (whether chaotic, neutral, lawful, good etc) - and the external facilities (we'll call it "weather") are shown through the astrological correlations.

Some of your previously chosen adventures are playing out now, and your new adventure will start soon after you start practicing - but maybe not immediately - so no giving up.

You are spontaneously creating your expectations and assumptions (quantum mechanics + law of assumption).

Your life, body, relations, possessions and more is a touch, smell, see, hear, and taste able recreation of your expectations and your alignment toward whatever degree of comfort you've accepted for yourself.

You might think you're uncomfortable, but you're living at "the level" that coincidentally matches to how you see life - which is where you're comfortable - and comfortable doesn't mean happy. Generally the caliber of Astrology that the regular ole person uses, studies and understands describes circumstances - both for your external world and the people in it, and your subconscious or unconscious circumstances.

You being aware of astrological weather allows you to see where you and all of your friends, family, work, art, and more is headed. Can you change what it looks like and how quickly you get there? Yep. It's just a hologram.

This is one of or the last full moon in Aries before the Aries Eclipses start next year. Keep a good record of what's occurring, how you're feeling, and the way you're expressing yourself and relating to others during the Aries Full Moon around October 9th.

However, if during the moon you're feeling overwhelmed or something intense happens - remember that it's just AN ARCHETYPAL activation.

It will likely offer you a clue as to what is on deck for the Aries/Libra Eclipses season - but it doesn't have to be a rinse and repeat. That's the point of this post.

Currently wherever Taurus and Scorpio are in your chart is suffering/enjoying an update. If you're aligning to it more easily you might not feel like it was Earth shaking - you might have seen these catalysts as barely noticeable but - when you look back you'll be able to see the string of incidents that lead to the way you function "now" that is perhaps subtly different but regardless - very profound in the long term.

If you're resisting the update (like a Taurus or Scorpio placement could very adamantly suggest) than it could feel like one of the most frustrating times you've ever experienced but will end up being one of the most impactful chapters of your life. You'll have another event coming up between October 18 and November 15, if you'd like to mark your calendar.

If I could make a recommendation with this Aries Full Moon - its to manifest or ask for the solution to your issues now, and let go of the fear that is demanding you stay in your comfort zone or better yet - manifest them completely gone now. If you're into rituals - I find them useful - write them down and throw them in a fire near the full moon.

Know that with that toss they are burned up by a divine fire that you TRUST to protect, assist, and guide you through the release of what conflicts with your perfect expression and the acceptance of what you do need but resist.

With right thought - or Christ Consciousness... You will not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in darkness, or the pestilence that ravages at noon. Psalm 91

Need help/not understanding/getting results manifesting? - Between now and next March when the Aries/Libra eclipse seasons start, I recommend learning about quantum physics and manifesting even at a really simple level.

Start with-

Books: A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi Break the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Youtube: Andrea Shulman Anything Abraham Hicks Electrasoul if you enjoy a sailor mouth like me You're in control of your hologram, and the astrology is "a jumping off point to start negotiations". - Cher, Clueless but that doesn't make it less impactful.

These are the upcoming spotlights. Get your costumes on and your lines right. Send me a message if you need help figuring out how to create or navigate your chart.



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